
Crashing Through Manhattan In The Fake Google Driverless Car

Adrian Chen · 04/24/13 02:43PM

Google's driverless car is still in the early stages of development, but the unit spotted tooling around Manhattan this month was in rough shape even for a beta test. One particularly noticeable bug was the passenger hanging out the window in an Osama bin Laden mask. In another glitch, the car hit a cyclist in Soho, where the aftermath was caught by an Instagram user. Others might have spotted the Google car proudly cruising by, oblivious to the traffic cone wedged firmly under the bumper. And all this was before the power-slides, rubber-scorching donuts and fender-benders…

If You Wear Google's New Glasses You Are An Asshole

Adrian Chen · 03/13/13 04:28PM

Atlantic writer Ta-Nehisi Coates has developed a brilliantly concise definition of an asshole: "A person who demands that all social interaction happen on their terms." He was inspired by the assholes who talk in Amtrak's quiet car, but this reasoning also perfectly explains why those who use Google's new wearable computer are assholes, by definition.

Cord Jefferson · 03/01/13 04:37PM

Anyone wanting to own Google glasses first will have to write an essay about why Google should sell them to you. Yeesh.

Robert Kessler · 02/14/13 03:59PM

In about an hour, President Obama will be holding a Google Hangout. You can watch it here.

Google's Moving Tribute Video to the Past Year, as Told by Our Searches

Max Read · 12/12/12 09:39AM

Today, Google released its "Zeitgeist 2012," which tracks the year's top searches in several categories. It was accompanied by this moving video showing the year's biggest people and stories — as told from the point of view of our search engines. What could make you prouder of humanity, than a video like this? Google and human events: one and the same thing.

The Perils of Fake Press Releases, and How to Avoid Them

Hamilton Nolan · 11/26/12 05:30PM

This morning, a press release hit the wires of PRWeb, a paid press release distribution site, saying that Google would be acquiring the tiny company ICOA Wireless for $400 million. ICOA's stock, which trades at fractions of a penny, briefly quadrupled in price after the press release hit. Media outlets (including our own Gizmodo) reported the story as fact, and investors immediately piled in. But very shortly after the release hit the news, it was denied by both parties, and outed as a fake. How did this happen?

Robert Kessler · 11/09/12 05:01PM

China's government has once again shut down Google+ (all Google sites) as it meets to choose new government leadership.

'Paul Ryan Shirtless' Is Googled 9 Times More Often Than 'Paul Ryan Budget' & Other Election-Related Google Facts

Taylor Berman · 10/21/12 07:05PM

A recent post on the New York Times Campaign Stops blog discusses all sorts of Google search-related political factoids. The point of the analysis is, for the Times' purpose, to act as a predictor (or, the article's title puts it, a "crystal ball") for the election. But it also offers up important information about how often people do things like search for topless photos of Paul Ryan, or, on the more depressing end of the spectrum, how often people searched for "Obama" in conjunction with "KKK." Here are some of more interesting searches:

Rogue Printer Dooms Google

Jordan Sargent · 10/18/12 09:54PM

Google is one of the largest and most powerful corporations in the world, but on Thursday the tech giant was brought to its knees by a printer malfunction. Well, that and the fact that the company's net income in this year's third quarter fell 20 percent to $2.18 billion (... and cue the violins). It was an all-around terrible day to be working for Google (except for the part where you could go eat lunch at one of the best cafeterias in America, that part probably never gets old):

Rich Juzwiak · 09/20/12 12:55PM

When DMX is made to Google himself he flies into a tizzy, mostly over the concept of Googling. That tizzy, broken down.

No One Can Correctly Google Any More, Basically

Ryan Tate · 04/16/12 02:02PM

Google has been placing more and more crap around search results, which is very annoying, but it turns out this crapification may work out quite well for the giant internet company. That's reportedly because people can't really tell anymore what's a Google advertisement and what's a Google search result, turning the simple act of internet searching into a confusing profitable mess.

Jon Stewart Is Baffled By Google Glasses and Facebook Buying Instagram

Matt Toder · 04/10/12 10:37PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart recapped two big tech stories that recently broke: Google's announcement about their Google Glasses product and Facebook buying Instagram for one billion dollars. Stewart doesn't quite get any of it - to him, Google Glasses are unnecessary and Instagram ruins pictures. He's not necessarily wrong, but he is definitely old.