
Heart of Blandness: A Walking Tour of Silicon Valley

Ken Layne · 02/28/14 05:19PM

Walking is the only pleasant form of traveling by land. You need no special equipment, training, money, e-tickets, antidepressants, or Twitter followers. Whatever clothes you're wearing will do fine; a hat and shoes are optional. When I've got a few days to spend somewhere, I spend them walking around. So I spent a few days walking around Silicon Valley.

Conservative "News" Site Battles Google for Its Right to Be Racist

Adam Weinstein · 02/18/14 03:21PM

If your religion is apeshit racist ring-wingnut douchery with a side of tabloid pablum, WorldNetDaily is your online Jerusalem, pilgrim. Be sure to bring it a big offering, though: Google is blocking ads from popping up on the site over its obsession with "black mobs."

Adam Weinstein · 12/18/13 11:49AM

"Edward Snowden doesn't show up once in Google's list of top 2013 searches." Guess he wasn't important then. Back to your Harlem Shake videos, America.

Startup Patents Eugenics Tool to Build Your Best Baby

Nitasha Tiku · 10/03/13 02:45PM

The genetics testing company 23andme was recently awarded a patent it applied for five years ago. According to PandoDaily, the patent covers a "calculator" that lets "people to pick and choose traits of their future child." Anne Wojcicki, the CEO of 23andme and wife of Google founder Sergey Brin, is listed as the lead inventor.

You Will Never Send Google Talk Messages Again After This

Max Read · 09/26/13 10:53AM

It's the most terrifying news of the year: Google has reportedly been sending Google Talk messages to the wrong people—not just to the wrong people on your contact list, but to people you don't know at all.

Cord Jefferson · 06/20/13 10:37AM

Google's senior vice president for people operations has finally decided that the company's famed brainteaser interview questions are useless: "How many golf balls can you fit into an airplane? How many gas stations in Manhattan? A complete waste of time. They don’t predict anything."

Zuckerberg Releases Statement Calling PRISM Charges "Outrageous"

Cord Jefferson · 06/07/13 07:57PM

Mark Zuckerberg took to his personal Facebook account today to address charges that his company has cooperated with a secret NSA program called PRISM that monitors private citizens' internet activities. Zuckerberg called the press reports about PRISM "outrageous," and said Facebook has never given the U.S. government direct access to its servers (though, as Buzzfeed's John Herrman notes, "a lack of 'direct access' does not preclude the type of sweeping surveillance described in the leaks").

Google Wallet Will Soon Allow You to Send Money as a Gmail Attachment

Cord Jefferson · 05/15/13 08:58PM

Google has been trying to get its electronic payment service, Google Wallet, off the ground for years now, but as the months dragged on Wallet was getting about as much traction as its sister service Google Plus. That all might change with Wallet's latest development, introduced today in the video above. If Google has its way, you'll soon be able to send and receive money via your Gmail account in the length of time it takes to send any other email.