
What Google's Creepy Cyborg Glasses Will Probably Be Like: Ad-Heavy

Max Read · 04/05/12 10:40AM

The "Google Glasses" video that swept the web yesterday — a point-of-view shot featuring all of the helpful little maps, messages and answers that Google Glasses will theoretically provide for you one day — was ridiculous for a couple reasons: one, who takes the 6 train one stop from 23rd Street to Union Square?? And two, if this is Google — where are the ads? Luckily, RebelliousPixels' Jonathan McIntosh remixed the video to provide a more realistic idea of what Google Glasses will be like. Annoying. [via The Atlantic]

After Three Mistresses, Google's Chairman Still Adores His Wife

Ryan Tate · 04/03/12 09:13PM

Eric Schmidt has either gone through a sudden midlife transformation or is a hopelessly tangled web of contradictions. Either way, the Google chairman and longtime CEO wants to make one thing clear: He is still devoted to his wife, despite all the, you know, extramarital girlfriends.

Googlers Must Denounce Evil, Says Google's Ex-Mastermind

Ryan Tate · 03/21/12 05:15PM

It's been almost one year since Eric Schmidt stepped down as CEO of Google, and sometimes it seems like he's experienced a midlife identity crisis. Schmidt drives a Ferrari, will reportedly divorce his wife, and now he's calling on programmers, like those at Google, to speak out against any evil practices their bosses ask them to perform.

Privacy Death Stars Approved By Congress

Ryan Tate · 02/07/12 05:48PM

Today, it is tricky for governments and corporations to constantly spy on people using drones. By 2015, it wil be much much easier, thanks to a Monday Congressional vote authorizing drones above 400 feet, in the same airspace as commercial airliners.

Mark Zuckerberg Wanted To Sacrifice Facebook for a Different Idea

Ryan Tate · 01/31/12 01:08PM

It might be built on science, but Silicon Valley can be as fickle and fashion conscious as any Paris couturier. Back in 2004, for example, social networking looked trivial and grubby; truly cool programmers worked on swapping copyrighted music and movies. Even robotic Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was swept up in the trend, planning to sacrifice his now-$75 billion social network for a file-sharing venture, according to newly released instant messages.

How Old Does Google Think You Are?

Max Read · 01/27/12 10:08AM

Here's today's fun internet game: who does Google think you are? Google thinks I am a 65+ year old man, possibly because I am always searching things like "what time does The Good Wife start" and "movies with no violence or sadness in them" and "when will I die." (Google also thinks I am interested in "Arts & Entertainment - Celebrities & Entertainment News." Fair enough.)

Google's CEO Dealt Drugs and Knew It, Say Feds

Ryan Tate · 01/25/12 04:32PM

Well, this is certainly interesting: Google's CEO Larry Page knew all about ads his company ran for an illegal Mexican drug ring run by a convicted con artist and described in detail to Google executives. But the advertisements for illicit steroids were allowed to continue because, hey, more revenue for Google.

Your Google Pseudonym Must Be Approved in Google Court

Ryan Tate · 01/23/12 06:35PM

The anxious cyborgs who rule Google have decreed, after much controversy and deliberation, that they will alllow people to register accounts that do not match their official hu-man names. All you need to do to obtain a pseudonym is to furnish a printed "offline" news article, government document, popular Twitter account and three (3) types of bodily fluid.

Tim Cook Sleeps Near The Enemy

Ryan Tate · 01/12/12 10:17AM

Steve Jobs would likely approve of successor Tim Cook's ascetic condominium, designated "unit A" on a shared Palo Alto single-family home lot. He would be far less happy with the high-ranking Google executive in the "unit B" in-law dwelling right behind it.

Google Says Please Apply in Writing To Enter Search Results

Ryan Tate · 01/11/12 02:55PM

You never call, you never write, and Google has had it: If you would like entry into the spiffy new Google search results, and you are a social network, Google would like you to send the company a letter first.

Bloggers Were Paid To Write About Google Chrome

Ryan Tate · 01/03/12 02:45PM

Hundreds of bloggers were bribed to write posts promoting Google Chrome in recent weeks. The scandal is only worsened by Google's excuse: The whole scheme was dreamed up by the company it hired to help make things popular on the web.

How Your Privacy Will Be Invaded in 2012

Ryan Tate · 12/29/11 05:30PM

In 2011, we watched as tech villains found creative new ways to violate our privacy. They misappropriated our social networking profiles, stalked us through our phones, and plucked secrets from our wifi networks. To help you better prepare for 2012's inevitable privacy attacks, we enumerate below the most worrisome threats you should monitor in the coming year.