
Prince Declares Internet Over

Max Read · 07/06/10 12:18AM

Prince, who wrote "Darling Nikki" and can now do whatever he wants as far as we're concerned, has officially declared the internet "completely over," in an interview with the Daily Mirror. It was fun while it lasted, we guess.

My First Week in Review

Pareene · 04/21/10 04:46PM

Here is another hot bit of Manhattan media gossip for you influentials: this is my last day at Gawker. To say it's been an amazing experience would be a ridiculous understatement.

John Cook's Greatest Hits

Gawker Staff · 04/16/10 03:57PM

In case you don't follow the goings-on here at Gawker, we have some sad news for you. Investigative genius John Cook is leaving us for Yahoo-ier pastures today. Let's take a look back at some of our John Cook favorites.

Jessica Simpson: It's Time to Say Goodbye

Brian Moylan · 03/09/10 05:05PM

With her latest stab at relevancy—a new single and a VH1 show—Jessica Simpson is yet again being shoved down our collective gullet. It's time for this uninteresting, talentless person to take a hike. Forever!

American Idol: The Slick and the Dead

Richard Lawson · 02/26/10 12:28PM

Let's take a brief moment to discuss last night's first big eliminations episode. Are you surprised? Disappointed? Thrilled to the point of exploding?

The Hills: The Death and Birth of Lauren Conrad

Richard Lawson · 06/01/09 12:03PM

Well that, I guess, is it. The last we'll see of old Lauren "LC" Conrad on The Hills, the reality dynasty that she helped build with her own two well-groomed hands. How did it all go down? Well, like any good comedy, it ended with a wedding.

American Idol: I Trust You Can Show Yourself Out, Scott

Richard Lawson · 04/09/09 11:44AM

OK. Let's just get it out of the way: Didn't see that one coming! OK. That's over. Now, let's go on and discuss the elimination of Scott and hopefully not make any more terrible jokes.