
Glenn Beck Cannot Stop Commercials

John Siegel · 06/03/10 09:46AM

Glenn Beck was moving toward some sort of revelation on his show when a voice suddenly silenced him. Was it the government? The media? No, it was the people who advertise during his show.

Poll: Tea Party Uncomfortable With Minorities

Jeff Neumann · 06/02/10 06:38AM

A new University of Washington poll found that many Tea Partiers believe "lesbians and gays have too much political power," and that despite hating our new commie government, they want Medicare and Social Security to remain in place.

Fox and Friends: Where Art is Dead

Chris Dignes · 06/01/10 02:04PM

Fox and Friends disparaged Nancy Pelosi's ideas after her recent envisioning of health care reform easing artistic burden. The friends seem to think "health care reform" means "failed artists become destitute welfare check recipients and ruin the American economy."

Glenn Beck Relentlessly Mocks Malia Obama on Radio Show (UPDATED)

Matt Cherette · 05/28/10 12:10PM

Glenn Beck has never been very tactful, but his four-minute tirade against Malia Obama this morning over her "Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?" question regarding BP's oil leak represented a reprehensible new low. Audio inside. Update: Beck responds.

What To Do If You Become an Internet Meme

Maureen O'Connor · 05/11/10 04:19PM

A girl who posted pics of her "epic boobs" and inadvertently became an Internet meme lost a lawsuit against the outlet that made her a star. It raises the question: If you become an internet meme, what should you do?

Jon Stewart Takes On Times Square Bomber Case, Exposes John McCain

Matt Cherette · 05/04/10 10:19PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart gave an amusing statement about the case of the failed Times Square bombing and its aftermath, including a comparison of John McCain's anti-Miranda statements to those of Glenn Beck that made McCain seem utterly ridiculous. Video inside.

Marry, Fuck, Kill: Fox News Edition

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/10 04:12PM

This morning, Howard Stern challenged Fox News' Megyn Kelly, host of American Live, to play Marry, Fuck, Kill with a triumvirate of Fox News blowhards: Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Talk about a rock and a hard place.