
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony to Divorce

Richard Lawson · 07/15/11 04:59PM

Though they seemed awfully happy performing together on American Idol mere months ago, Nuyorican power couple Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony have announced that they're ending their seven-year marriage. ¡Ay Dios mio!

Meet Obama's Fancy Celebrity 'Bundlers'

Jim Newell · 07/15/11 04:07PM

So, campaign finance! Perhaps in need of some constitutional reform, hmm? But for now, the rules of the game for presidential campaigns are that you call all of your rich friends and have them bundle donations from their rich friends, "sometimes" in exchange for access or favors for everyone in this elaborate network of rich friends. So who's on the just-released Obama bundler list?

Rupert Murdoch Offers Up Standard PR Firm-Written Apology

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/11 02:56PM

In your finally Friday media column: Rupert Murdoch apologizes, Andrew Ross Sorkin gets a TV gig, the AP stylebook is wrong, Google encourages you to read, and Bob Schieffer is still among the living.

Emmy Nominations That Should Happen But Never Will

Richard Lawson · 07/13/11 02:06PM

This year's Primetime Emmy award nominations will be announced tomorrow, meaning we can finally celebrate television actors. So who will be nominated? Well we kind of already know that. But who should be nominated?

The Scandal's Second Scalp: News Corp Abandons BSkyB Bid

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/11 09:22AM

Do you hear that? It's the sound of another shoe dropping. News Corp, besieged by a strange and unfamiliar phenomenon called "bad publicity that can't just be ignored," just announced that it's abandoning its lengthy (and extremely important, at least in the context of European media) quest to take over British Sky Broadcasting.

HuffPo Suspends Writer for Doing 'What We Were Taught and Told to Do'

Ryan Tate · 07/11/11 03:52PM

The Huffington Post indefinitely suspended a young blogger today for rewriting too much of someone's news article. This is pretty ridiculous, given HuffPo's systematic, officially-sanctioned approach to rewriting too much of people's news articles. Just ask a HuffPo veteran.

Obama's Laser-like Focus on Jobs Paid Off With a Whopping 18,000 New Ones Last Month

John Cook · 07/08/11 11:05AM

The new monthly jobs report is out, and guess what? Unemployment is up to 9.2%, the economy only added 18,000 jobs (one-tenth of the number needed to find jobs for all the poor saps entering the workforce right now), we created 44,000 fewer jobs than we thought in April and May, 14.1 million Americans are out of work, and roving bandit gangs are lighting tire fires in the street outside your house right now.

Inside the Huffington Post-AOL Civil War

Ryan Tate · 06/10/11 02:25PM

Sure, we'd heard there was a civil war at AOL following the Huffington Post merger. But we never imagined we'd be hearing tales quite so evocative of schoolyard bullying. Team HuffPo is apparently the meanest clique at AOL Junior High.

The Strange Story of Kanye West and Mary-Kate Olsen Making Out

Maureen O'Connor · 06/10/11 10:58AM

Did Mary-Kate hook up with Kanye on his birthday? Does Jennifer Lopez bathe in the black magic blood of Santeria chickens? Does Kim Kardashian need a decoy engagement ring? Did LeAnn Rimes make a sex tape? Friday gossip has questions.

Lady Gaga Criticizes Steve Jobs To His Face

Ryan Tate · 06/06/11 04:15PM

Who is the one person allowed to stand up to corporate diva Steve Jobs and criticize the Apple CEO to his face? That would, of course, be musical diva Lady Gaga, who recently talked a little trash at Apple headquarters.

Gisele Bundchen Is Becoming a Billionaire and You're Not

Richard Lawson · 06/03/11 04:44PM

Like it or not, a pretty lady is way richer than you. And you'll just have to deal with it. Also today: HBO is making the classiest thing ever made, two funny ladies are teaming up to get your motor running, and Anderson Cooper has a new website.

Sean Parker Trapped in Endless Nightmare of Awesome Parties

Adrian Chen · 06/03/11 11:43AM

Since being portrayed as a hard-partying tech playboy by Justin Timberlake in the Social Network, it has become impossible for Napster founder Sean Parker to have a party that is not a crazy blowout because of his new reputation. He tells the Post:

Math Proves That Obama Will Have a Major Scandal Soon

Jim Newell · 05/27/11 11:55AM

Whether he knows it or not, President Obama is about to fuck something up miserably and drown his administration in years of investigations. There is no avoiding it; it will happen, perhaps even by the close of Memorial Day weekend. Why are we so sure? Because a little thing called "math" told us.

Natalie Portman's Night with Backstabbing Ballerinas

Maureen O'Connor · 05/26/11 10:27AM

Natalie Portman runs into the lady she stole her fiance from, while avoiding the lady who called her a fraud. Lady Gaga says her critics are bullies. Kim Kardashian could make millions from her wedding. Thursday gossip was born this sensitive.

Schwarzenegger Mistress Identified

Max Read · 05/17/11 10:49PM

On Tuesday, former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledged that he had fathered a child out of wedlock. There were scant details beyond a vague timeframe—"more than a decade ago"—and the occupation of the child's mother: "a longtime member of [the family's] household staff." But two tabloids have just identified the woman as Mildred "Patty" Baena, age 50, a former housekeeper at Schwarzenegger's Brentwood estate.