As revelations emerge at a rate of about one per second in the News of the World hacking scandal, Rupert Murdoch is flying in to London to attempt damage control, according to the Financial Times.

He's got his work cut out for him: Police are investigating a possible cover-up involving the deletion of millions of emails, former News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks' editor has told former NOTW employees that even more shocking revelations are yet to come, and in addition to former NOTW editor Andy Coulson, a former reporter was arrested and released today as well. The whole thing seems close to the point where the only thing that Rupert Murdoch might be able to do is lay on a London sidewalk and let an angry nation take out their frustration on him with rolled-up copies of his own newspapers.


Which of Rupert Murdoch's Executives Destroyed Evidence in the Phone Hacking Case?
Former News of the World Editor Arrested
News of the World Is Folding: Goodbye, Scandal!

[Photos of Murdoch this week in Sun Valley via AP, Getty Images]