
Oprah Determined to Save, Destroy Broadway Forever

Richard Lawson · 05/10/11 03:15PM

With her chat show ending on May 25th, world's most powerful woman Oprah Winfrey has her eyes set on the Great White Way. It's long been a dream of hers to perform on Broadway, and soon it will become a terrifying reality.

Gene Simmons Scores One Against Anonymous

Adrian Chen · 05/06/11 04:53PM

The attack against KISS frontman Gene Simmons' website last year was one of the most bizarre campaigns in the history of the online vigilante group Anonymous. But the FBI is on the case and has raided the home of a Washington man thought to be involved in the attack.

Bristol Palin's Face Looks Different, Doesn't It?

Maureen O'Connor · 05/04/11 04:49PM

"Oh no," I thought to looking at the picture at left. "Someone mixed up the Palin girls, and labeled this one 'Bristol Palin.'" But lo! The female at left really is Bristol Palin. And so is the female at right. Did our beloved Teen Mom 2: Republican Boogaloo star use some of that abstinence advocacy money on plastic surgery? Or is her new face the product of normal weight fluctuation? Update: Bristol admits she had surgery, is "thrilled" with new face.

Lindsay Lohan Snuggles With Her Own Terrible Super-Tan Future

Maureen O'Connor · 04/13/11 11:47AM

Like a vulture circling a mound of rotting flesh, Lindsay Lohan is closing in on the role of Victoria Gotti in an upcoming mafia movie. To seal the deal, Lindsay and Victoria posed for pictures; the result was like one of those fairy tales where a damsel looks in the mirror and freaks out when she sees what she will look like when she is old. Not that Victoria is that old! Just that LiLo has a thing for snuggling up to human embodiments of her super-tan, uber-blonde future.

Facebook Playboy Dumps Longtime Girlfriend for Hot New Fiancée

Ryan Tate · 04/04/11 08:16PM

That was fast: Six months after he started seeing Alexandra Lenas, Sean Parker is engaged to the singer/songwriter. Parker has made a number of sudden life changes since Justin Timberlake played him in The Social Network, actually.

Marc Jacobs Executive Sues Over Oppressively Gay Work Environment

John Cook · 03/31/11 12:05PM

The recently fired chief operating officer of fashion label Marc Jacobs International has sued his boss for, among other things, making employees look at gay porn and perform pole dances. If true, these allegations could rock the staid, buttoned-down world of fashion.

What Did Kim Kardashian Say to Snooki?

Maureen O'Connor · 01/25/11 01:31PM

At the Nets-Mavericks game, Kim Kardashian met Snooki. What did they talk about? By bribing an imaginary eavesdropper with a wizard hat of doubloons, we acquired an exclusive fictional transcript of the conversation.