Celebrity Chef Beaten to Death by Unsatisfied Customers
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/16/13 05:59PM"Nazi Bride" Silent as Immigrant-Murder Trial Opens
Max Read · 05/06/13 07:29AM
In November 2011, following a failed bank robbery, two men in eastern Germany killed themselves and set their van on fire. Inside its scorched remains, police found a CZ 83 handgun, later shown to have been used in a series of murders of immigrant shopowners. They also found a DVD in which "the bodies of the murder victims are pictured while a cartoon Pink Panther tots up the number of dead."
Justin Bieber’s Monkey Still Languishing in a German Prison
Caity Weaver · 04/23/13 03:55PMThieves In Germany Make Away With Five Metric Tons of Nutella
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/08/13 11:02AMPostcards from Prison: 8 Adorable Images of Justin Bieber's Monkey Under German Quarantine
Caity Weaver · 04/03/13 04:14PM
Last week, the headmaster's nephew Justin Bieber flew to Munich to put on a few performances as part of his world tour. He brought almost all the important things with him: his shoe, his passport, his baby capuchin monkey. Unfortunately, he didn't bring one very, very important thing: the necessary clearance forms so that he would be allowed to bring the monkey in and out of Germany. (Who knew you needed "animal clearance forms" for a friend? What a world.)
Rich People Would Like You to Know That Owning a Castle Is a Lot of Hassle
Caity Weaver · 03/22/13 01:59PMGerman Soldiers Are Growing Boobs On One Side of Their Bodies, Oh, Okay
Caity Weaver · 01/25/13 11:15AMTwitter Officially Censored Its First Account Today
Taylor Berman · 10/18/12 12:00AM
Earlier today, Twitter blocked its first account, a German neo-Nazi group that German police say is a "criminal organization." This is the first time Twitter has ever censored a user's account. Unless, of course, you count Guy Adams, who was temporarily banned after NBC complained to Twitter about Adams's criticism of their Olympic coverage.
German Speedo-Wearing Genius Jumps Into Frozen Pool Expecting Outcome That Doesn't Involve Him Getting Hurt; Is Unpleasantly Surprised
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/17/12 11:00AMJumping into a pool of frozen water wearing nothing but a Speedo-Hot Pants hybrid would demand of any reasonable primate at least a fleeting expectation of pain.