It's safe to say most athletes are built differently than the rest of us, but this photo of one German athlete's freakishly large quads is still jarring.

Yesterday, New Zealand cyclist Greg Henderson tweeted this photo along with a brief explanation.

You thought Greipel has a big set of legs. There was a quad off in the German camp today. Greipel lost.

The smaller (but still impressive) quads must belong to German cyclist André Greipel. The larger quads belong to a German athlete who could easily crush your head with his thighs.

The guy with the monster quads is not a cyclist, as he could not physically wrap those legs around a bicycle. His identity, however, remains unknown. Some have speculated that the athlete is a bodybuilder, which makes sense, while others are organizing a mob to chase it out of the village with torches.

Scratch that, the quad-beast is a cyclist: meet Robert Förstemann. He's a German track sprinter, not a bodybuilder — although he likely worked out a bit to beef up his lower half so extensively.

[Image via Twitter/Greg Henderson]