
Bloodsucking Sundays Are Back

Studio@Gawker · 06/24/11 11:00AM

Withdrawal from addiction can be one of the most grueling experiences for a human. Abrupt discontinuation/separation or a decrease in dosage of an object of addiction can lead to the following emotional and physical symptoms:

Shirtless Wonder Spencer Falls Caught Wearing Fanny Pack

Studio@Gawker · 06/23/11 11:00AM

Spencer Falls plus Sarah Carroll equals Sparah, the celebutante power couple that we spoke of recently. Yesterday, paparazzi busted Falls wearing what he calls a "sidesling" (but what is really the vom-inducing utilitarian accessory known as the fanny pack) out and about in LA. Hey, like the most fashion-forward celebs, he's hot enough to get away with it. Next thing we know, Emma Watson and Elle Fanning will be sporting sideslings on the red carpet and that will be that.


Studio@Gawker · 06/14/11 11:00AM

JUNE 14 - JULY 14, 2011

MTV's Teen Wolf Wears Press-On Claws, and Other Fun Facts

Studio@Gawker · 06/13/11 11:00AM

The life of a teen wolf isn't all walking around hot n' shirtless, kissing pretty mystery girls and whining at the waning moon, it also take some serious work, you guys! Fake nails, prosthetics, hours in the make up chair—the creators of MTV's new series Teen Wolf shunned CGI smoke and mirrors and opted for a more (dare we say?) authentic werewolf look for their young actors. Watch the clip above to see what all went into giving our wolfy hero that wolfy hero attitude.

Here is Another Healthy Serving of Hot Teens Doing Hot Supernatural Things

Studio@Gawker · 06/09/11 03:00PM

MTV's newest series Teen Wolf has all sorts of appealing qualities that one looks for in good TV: moody drama, beautiful cinematic photography, hot teen wolf-boys fighting hot teen athletes, you know, that sort of thing. Because seriously, do you really need an excuse to watch a bunch of boys sprout hair in weird places, tackle each other and agonize over the trials of what it's like to be different?

Meet Spencer Falls, McConaughey's New Rival in Shirtlessness

Studio@Gawker · 06/09/11 11:00AM

Summer is upon us, and what do we want to see with increasing frequency more than a glisteny set of man-pecs? Enter Spencer Falls. With Sarah Carroll, Falls is one half of an apparent supercouple known around town as "Sparah." They've been spotted at some red carpet events in Hollywood and have obviously made some sort of impression as Ashton Kutcher, the Mayor of the Celebrity Twitterverse, has proclaimed that he is firmly on Team Sparah, with a spurt of pro-Sparah (anti-Speidi) tweets.

The Four Formulas for a Successful Sitcom

Studio@Gawker · 06/08/11 11:00AM

In 2005, Dr. Helen Pilcher, the owner of a Ph.D. in Molecular Neurobiology who also happens to be a comedian, devised a mathematical formula to determine the success of a television sitcom. According to her, all you have to do is multiply the recognizability of the main character (r) by their delusions of grandeur (d), add that sum to the verbal wit of the script (v), then multiply the total by the amount someone falls over or suffers an injury (f). The difference in status between the highest and lowest characters is added (s), and the total is divided by the success of the show's scheme (a). Got that?

The 2011 Gawker Media Census Results Are In

Studio@Gawker · 06/06/11 11:00AM

Over 5,800 of you filled out the 2011 Gawker Media Census, and for that we raise a box of Ramona Singer Pinot Grigio in your honor. Said Census revealed that 41% of you would prefer to watch a group of unmitigated boozehounds that we invented called Real Housewives of Richard Lawson's Mind to any other unmitigated boozehounds on the planet.

What to Do With Your Pinched Pennies This Spring

Studio@Gawker · 05/19/11 11:00AM

Spring is here. The grass is green, kids are doing kid-type stuff, the birds are making bird noises, the bunnies are hipping, or hopping, or whatever bunnies these days do, and you most likely have better things to do than worry about wasting money on an over-priced cell phone bill, right?

Now’s Your Chance To Make Your Apartment Less Crappy

Studio@Gawker · 05/17/11 11:00AM

That probably bedbug-infested beanbag chair that you're rocking in your walk-up doesn't come off as retro, it reads more like "I still hide my bong under the kitchen sink every time my mom comes over to do my laundry." However, if you take this quick survey, email the last question to with "Ikea Gift Card Contest" as the subject line, you'll be entered to win a $150 gift card to, you guessed it, Ikea! Mom will be so proud!

3 Reasons You Need to Mix it Up and Get a New Drink

Studio@Gawker · 05/13/11 11:00AM

1. No, you may not order a macro-vegan, locally-grown, wheatgrass, maple syrup cleansing shot from your local bartender. No matter what a certain skinny blonde lady says, that goop is not cool, and almost certainly your tender of choice has no idea what you're talking about.

Olivia Munn and Selita Ebanks Unleash the Dragon...Fruit

Studio@Gawker · 05/12/11 11:00AM

On April 19, the Hotness herself, Olivia Munn, and the so-hot-we're-sweating-just-thinking-about-her Selita Ebanks lit up Las Vegas at the launch party for SKYY Infusions® Dragon Fruit, the newest addition to SKYY's line of all natural infused va-va-voom vodkas.

Hollywood highnesses Olivia and Selita held court over the crowd, dancing, drinking, and pretty much enticing everything with eyeballs. Can you see why they call dragon fruit the forbidden fruit? Watching these girls have a night out in Vegas was something your mom would have probably forbidden.

We owe the night and the joy of watching Olivia and Selita slither around to SKYY, who transformed PURE Nightclub inside Caesars Palace into a tropical Garden of Eden—if the Garden of Eden had caged dancers in elaborate body paint covered in feathers and strategically placed snakes. Yes, snakes.

Since you couldn't be there, here's how to get your own drink on with the ultra-yum, fantastical berry taste of the SKYY Infusions Dragon Fruit adult refreshments served that evening: you can find recipes and libation recommendations when you follow SKYY Infusions Dragon Fruit on Facebook or on Twitter @SKYYVodka #SKYYDragonFruit.

Try not to stare too long at the gallery of photos from the smoking hot event taken by our behind the scenes photographer Seth Browarnik of!

Skyy Spirits, LLC, San Francisco, CA. Please enjoy responsibly.

The Gawker Media Census Numbers Prove It—Lawson > San Francisco. Take It and Win an iPad 2!

Studio@Gawker · 05/11/11 11:00AM

So far, over 3,500 Gawker readers have shared their feedback with us via the 2011 Gawker Media Census. And we've learned that almost as many of you would to tune into a theoretical episode of The Real Housewives of San Francisco as The Real Housewives of Richard Lawson's Mind. The numbers are close, 37% to 38%, respectively, so there is still time for Richard's brilliant brain to win, and for you to tell us more about yourselves.

Now’s Your Chance To Make Your Apartment Less Crappy

Studio@Gawker · 05/10/11 11:00AM

That probably bedbug-infested beanbag chair that you're rocking in your walk-up doesn't come off as retro, it reads more like "I still hide my bong under the kitchen sink every time my mom comes over to do my laundry." However, if you take this quick survey, email the last question to with "Ikea Gift Card Contest" as the subject line, you'll be entered to win a $150 gift card to, you guessed it, Ikea! Mom will be so proud!

Turn off the TV and Take the 2011 Gawker Media Census and Win an iPad 2

Studio@Gawker · 05/04/11 03:00PM

After last year's census, we discovered that 45% of you, our favorite schadenfreude-ers, spend 7+ hours a week in front of the boob tube, and that 79.3% regularly watch TV comedies. Seriously, how many Two and a Half Men reruns can you possibly sit through? JK! We're sure you're watching the good stuff, like all those super-hilarious episodes of Frontline, right? We kid because we love you. And since you love Gawker, would you take ten minutes to share what things besides TV watching you're into this year?

This Week's Most Popular Gawker Stories Rounded Up for Your Pleasure

Studio@Gawker · 04/30/11 11:00AM

The above four studly horsemen of the gossip apocalypse bring you the most-viewed Gawker stories of the past week. Netflix, South Park, the diagnostic capabilities of Easter candy, something known as "the jazz of the Internet," and a piddling little event known as THE ROYAL WEDDING dominated this week.

This Week's Most Popular Gawker Stories Rounded Up for Your Pleasure

Studio@Gawker · 04/22/11 03:30PM

The above four studly horsemen of the gossip apocalypse bring you the most-viewed Gawker stories of the past week. Gay kisses, Internet queens, mysterious white substances, Gaga parodies, and the evil reign of Dilbert dominated our network.

American Apparel CEO Touched by Gawker

Max Read · 04/05/11 07:35PM

Pervy American Apparel CEO Dov Charney told The Village Voice's Rosie Gray that he is "touched" to be "one of Gawker's death subjects," and while we never thought we'd say this, we are deeply excited to be touching Dov Charney (apparently to death?):

Zombie Anatomy 101

Studio@Gawker · 04/04/11 11:00AM

A crack medical team has been sent to a remote island to explore a radical theory that could uncover a cure for the zombie epidemic. Based on the team's research and the observations of renowned zombie expert Dr. Stanley Blum, The Zombie Autopsies documents for the first time the unique biology of zombie organisms.