
First Release from AMC’s New Digital Studio Premieres Tonight

Studio@Gawker · 08/23/11 10:59AM

AMC, home of all that is good on television (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead), has just announced that they are expanding from the small screen, to the, er, smaller screen. Today marks the launch of what other networks will surely be quick to mimic, AMC Digital Studio.

Unlimited Family Time Is Actually A Good Thing

Studio@Gawker · 08/22/11 10:59AM

Neglected moms everywhere are rejoicing because T-Mobile's $49.99 per line Family Plan is seriously something to call home about. With unlimited data, talk and text, America's Largest 4G Network is bringing loved ones together with guarantees of fast, affordable service. Plus, with the unlimited plan, you never have to stress about abusing your precious data capacity, so your whole brood can access things like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter-‘cause you know, nothing says family like Aunt Prudence's latest tweet.

Time Is Ticking for Christina Perasso

Studio@Gawker · 08/03/11 10:59AM

Christina Perasso, star of Hollywood's first social film, Inside, has been trapped in an unknown location for 10 days, with little to eat or drink. Here's what we know so far:

Say Hello to AMC Mob Week

Studio@Gawker · 08/02/11 10:59AM

It's AMC Mob Week, which means it's time to grab a few of your little friends, curl up in bed with your favorite horse head, and tune in to the badass, week-long film series hosted by none other than America's mob-busting mayor, Rudolph Giuliani.

Christina Perasso Needs You. Now.

Studio@Gawker · 07/26/11 10:59AM

Inside officially started yesterday, July 25, when the first film segment posted to YouTube at 2 PM EST. Christina Perasso (Emmy Rossum) is locked in that room with just a laptop and an intermittent Wifi connection as her lifeline to the outside world. No one knows how this scenario is going to play out, or how long Christina can even survive—she's in there without food or water. It's all part of an experiment in Social Film created by Intel and Toshiba, and her fate is truly in the hands of her family and friends, both old and new, and you, the viewers.

Only You Can Save Emmy Rossum Using Facebook

Studio@Gawker · 07/18/11 11:00AM

Remember the golden days of childhood, when you'd consume musty library copies of Choose Your Own Adventure books like so many Warheads, feeling like you controlled the universe? Well, here's your opportunity to recreate the magic: Inside, a legit film experiment in which you can help control the action, is premiering next Monday, July 25.

Breaking Bad is About to Get Really Good

Studio@Gawker · 07/15/11 11:00AM

After an agonizing wait, AMC's award-winning Breaking Bad is back for its fourth season—and you can get your first fix this Sunday. When last we saw chemistry teacher turned meth-maker Walter White, things had just gone from bad to really, really bad—and this season is looking just as bleak. And by bleak we mean nail-bitingly, explosively, gun-wieldingly, drug-dealingly badass.

Blind Item: Who’s Seriously Broken Bad Recently?

Studio@Gawker · 07/13/11 11:00AM

Those pesky celebs. When they aren't sending around dong shots or breaking out of rehab, they have to go and ruin our image of them by starring in movies or voting in the Senate. Call it schadenfreude or a rip-roaring good time, but there is nothing we love more then when famous folk do bad all by themselves.

Amaze Your Friends with Your New Musical Opus

Studio@Gawker · 07/12/11 11:00AM

Free things in life are the best things. But free things that keep you entertained for hours and make you look like a genius are the greatest. Here's a new entry into that ring: Falling Stars, Trident Vitality's new digital toy for the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch that was created to celebrate their delicious Awaken flavor. It'll turn you into the musician you never knew you could be, causing spontaneous bouts of admiration from passersby.

Nobody Died on the Gawker HQ Roof Last Thursday

Studio@Gawker · 07/11/11 11:00AM

Oh, miracle of all miracles! This past Thursday, after a wrathful midday thunderstorm here in NYC, the skies cleared up, the music started playing, and readers and writers alike came out to celebrate the mysterious event known only as Miracle Day.

Report: Masked Beings Hold "Strange Marches" Across US, Distribute Black Globes

Studio@Gawker · 07/08/11 11:00AM

How's this for bizarre? Reports have come in from Denver to New York City to L.A. that "strange marches" are being held in public areas, its members silent and wearing white masks with a single teardrop falling from the left "eye." They are carrying signs printed simply with "#miracleday" and "" and are distributing tiny black globes emblazoned with "Miracle Day 07.08.11."

Starred Commenters! Toast the End of the World as We Know It With Us

Studio@Gawker · 07/05/11 01:30PM

If the world is changing forever on 7/8 (newsflash), you may as well spend the night of 7/7 with a free drink in your hand and a free amuse-bouche in your bouche on a sick downtown NYC rooftop in the presence of an ice sculpture and people dressed as they want to be dressed for the rest of time in order to toast Miracle Day. That's what we're going to be doing, anyway.

Starred Commenters! Toast the End of the World as We Know It With Us

Studio@Gawker · 07/05/11 11:00AM

If the world is changing forever on 7/8 (newsflash), you may as well spend the night of 7/7 with a free drink in your hand and a free amuse-bouche in your bouche on a sick downtown NYC rooftop in the presence of an ice sculpture and people dressed as they want to be dressed for the rest of time in order to toast Miracle Day. That's what we're going to be doing, anyway.