
Do Not Try to Befriend Cops While Drunk

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/10 09:19AM

We bring you the following story as a public service—for journalists, college students, and everyone else. Take the experience of Tim Chapman, former editor of James Madison University's student newspaper, as a lesson: Cops are not your drinking buddies.

The Great Idiot Perfume Heist

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/10 09:32AM

A third NYPD officer has been arrested for his role in last month's heist of a New Jersey perfume factory. Or, as we prefer to call it, "The Worst Fucking Heist Ever." Don't rogue cops even watch movies?

Cops Ban Super Tren XTreme!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/10 06:03PM

In an effort to cut down on roid-raging officers, the NYPD has banned not only illegal steroids, but also bodybuilding supplements like Hydroxycut and "Arom-X." What will the NYPD ban next, Super Tren XTreme and all the other great products by ROCKHARD FORMULATIONS? Oh crap they're banned too!