
Cop Punches 17-Year-Old Girl in Head at Jaywalking Stop

Max Read · 06/15/10 10:51PM

If you're a police officer, how do you handle an angry confrontation with a 17-year-old girl who you've stopped for jaywalking? One thing you maybe shouldn't do is punch her in the head. Which is what one Seattle cop did.

Policeman of the Year Located

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/10 03:25PM

Gowanda, NY police officer Jason Miller has admitted that "he hung his bulletproof vest on a tree and shot it two years ago," to fake his own shooting. He also pleaded guilty to accepting three pizzas as a bribe. [AP]

Racial Stereotypes All Proven True

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/10 08:18AM

A task force reports that cops who get shot by other cops are often victims of—well, "race may play a role in an officer's instantaneous assessment." Color us shocked! Any other news today that reinforces conventional stereotypes even more?

Outrage: Cops Asked to Try Not to Kill

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/10 08:11AM

New York cops are "livid" as well as "furious" at a proposed new bill that would require them to shoot to "stop" a suspect, rather than to kill. Wha...wha...what are cops, trained snipers? Listen to this outrageous libtard fantasy law:

When You See Police, Run

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/10 12:53PM

What sorts of outrages against humanity have been perpetrated by the sworn protectors of society, police, in the last few days? We'll tell you in this week's Cop Watch—where we watch cops closer than ever, thanks to Sean Bell.

Detroit Cops Shoot and Kill Seven-Year-Old Girl in Raid

Max Read · 05/16/10 11:38PM

Seven-year-old Aiyana Jones was killed early Sunday morning when Detroit police conducted a raid while searching for a murder suspect. Apparently, the officer's gun accidentally discharged during a confrontation. According to Jones' family, the suspect wasn't in their apartment.