
Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

J.K. Trotter · 08/11/15 02:35PM

Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine has a lengthy report about Donald Trump’s tense relationship with Fox News and its star anchor Megyn Kelly, whom Trump recently accused of unfairly targeting him during last Thursday’s televised debate (during which, Trump seemed to allege, Kelly had been menstruating). The internal conflict—placing Kelly and Trump in competition for the approval of Fox boss Roger Ailes—has apparently gotten so toxic that Trump supporters have begun threatening Kelly’s life:

Bill O’Reilly Wants Gag Order on Ex-Wife and Children in Divorce Trial

J.K. Trotter · 08/10/15 09:45AM

Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly is currently embroiled in a vicious legal feud with his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy over custody of their young son and daughter, the latter of whom told a court-appointed forensic examiner that she had witnessed O’Reilly choking and dragging her mother down a flight of stairs by her neck. Now O’Reilly—who likes to position himself as a defender of press freedoms in the face of “spin” from liberal censors—is trying to ensure other details about his conduct as a father and husband are withheld from journalists. It’s unclear, however, how successful his campaign will be.

Hot in Cleveland: From the Pits of Hell, It's the GOP 2016 Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 08/06/15 07:41PM

The first (real, non-consolation prize) GOP debate begins at 9 p.m. How long will Donald Trump last before security forcibly escorts him out? How many times will the angry white men utter the word “rape” for no apparent reason? How many groups of minority voters will be spectacularly and irrevocably alienated? And how much of the beautiful light inside of each and every one of us will die before the madness finally stops? We’ll be here (with special guest Glenn Greenwald), starting at 8:45 Eastern to find out.

The Debasing Race: Meet the Fox News GOP Debate Contestants

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/15 03:00PM

It’s time. Tomorrow night, at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, ten drunk clowns are going to fight with each other on national television for the chance to make wildly important decisions that affect each and every one of our livelihoods. It is going to be a god damn masterpiece.

Duggar Daughters: Our Brother Josh Was a “Very Sly” Molester

Taylor Berman · 06/05/15 08:34PM

During their interview Friday night with Megyn Kelly, Duggar sisters Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald stuck strictly to the family line and downplayed the actions of their brother and molester, Josh Duggar. “We were like, ‘Oh, my goodness, most of the stuff out there is lies,” Dillard said. “It’s not true, so we wanted to come out and set the record straight.”

Court Transcripts: Bill O’Reilly’s Daughter Saw Him “Choking Her Mom”

J.K. Trotter · 05/20/15 02:00PM

Gawker has obtained partial transcripts from the custody trial at the center of Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly’s vicious dispute with his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy. The documents, which record testimony given last year, confirm that the ex-couple’s teenage daughter told a court-appointed forensic examiner that she witnessed O’Reilly “choking her mom” as he “dragged her down some stairs” by the neck. The same transcripts also reveal that O’Reilly—who famously settled a lurid sexual harassment claim from one of his young female producers—told his daughter that her mother is an “adulterer”; that he struggles to control his rage around his family; and that his daughter regards him as an absentee father.

Bill O’Reilly Accused of Domestic Violence in Custody Battle

J.K. Trotter · 05/18/15 01:00PM

Three weeks ago, a Nassau County Supreme Court justice ended a bitter three-year custody dispute between Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly and his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, by granting custody of the couple’s two minor children to McPhilmy. Though nearly all documents pertaining to New York family court cases are sealed, Gawker has learned that the justice in the case heard testimony accusing O’Reilly of physically assaulting his wife in the couple’s Manhasset home.