
Donald Trump Regrets Skipping Debate After All

Jordan Sargent · 02/03/16 10:00AM

Everything was all good a few days ago. Donald Trump was coasting in the Iowa polls even after ditching the state’s final debate as the latest maneuver in his petty one-sided feud with Fox’s Megyn Kelly. But then it all came crumbling down.

Campaign Manager Says Trump Is "Definitely Not" Participating in Fox News Debate

Brendan O'Connor · 01/26/16 07:05PM

Speaking at a press conference before a rally in Marshalltown, Iowa, Donald Trump continued to turn the screws on Roger Ailes, threatening that he “probably” won’t participate in the Fox News-hosted debate on Thursday. Trump’s campaign manager, meanwhile, told the Washington Post’s Philip Rucker that the candidate was “definitely not” participating in the debate. “His word is his bond.”

Megyn Kelly Is a Horrible Person

Sam Biddle · 01/04/16 04:34PM

What if, a recent piece of speculative fiction in Vanity Fair wonders aloud, Megyn Kelly isn’t a poisonous bigot and shameless cable news demagogue, but a complex, flawed icon of modern feminism? Like most science fiction, this is a pack of lies meant for babies. Megyn Kelly is just as racist—or cynically willing to play the part—as every man she works with at Fox News.

Watch the Worst of Donald Trump's Wild Media Tour

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/08/15 12:20PM

If there’s one thing Donald Trump knows, it’s how to get on TV—and after his xenophobic policy pivot last night, get on TV he did. In fact, the Donald spent the last 18 hours on a whirlwind tour of the cable networks parroting the same canned provocations over and over: Did you see that thousands of people lined up to get into his speech? Have you even heard of the World Trade Center attack? How about the other World Trade Center attack? Did you see this poll saying the Muslims are going to murder us all in our sleep?

Meanwhile on Fox News: "Islamophobia Is Nothing But a Myth"

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/08/15 09:47AM

Donald Trump wants to lock out all the Muslims, Nevada lawmakers are offering to shoot the Syrian refugees—it’s arguably a real unpopular time to be Muslim outside of the Middle East. Not at all! say the fine folks over at Fox.

Cable News Is Going Nuts Rummaging Around Inside the San Bernardino Shooters' Apartment

Allie Jones · 12/04/15 01:01PM

Today the owner of the apartment complex in which the alleged San Bernardino shooters lived allowed several media outlets to tour (and inspect the contents of) their apartment. As you can see in the incredibly awkward clip above, MSNBC decided to broadcast one of their reporters rifling through Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik’s belongings, including books, random family photos, and various personal documents.

Fox News Commentator Blames Planned Parenthood Shooter on Obama

Ashley Feinberg · 11/27/15 07:48PM

While Colorado police were apprehending the Planned Parenthood shooting suspect Friday night, Fox News was busy ensuring its level of discourse met our most base expectations. Which, of course, amounts to little more than: Thanks, Obama.

The Gawker GOP Debate and Ongoing Jeb Bush National Humiliation Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 11/10/15 08:57PM

Somehow, once again, all the candidates’ demands have been met, the undercard round finished, and Ted Cruz’s flesh mask polished to a sheen. Come 9:00 p.m. EST, it’s time for another GOP debate live blog. And as our host for the evening will be Fox Business, this one is almost guaranteed to be extra terrible. We can’t wait.

Emails Show Hillary Clinton Fears the Power of Sarah Palin

Sam Biddle · 09/30/15 06:35PM

A newly released email from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State provides an interesting peek at the loudly, recently LGBT candidate’s private thought process of gender descriptors: they’re not worth the Fox News blowback.