
Loose wires: You enter a maze of twisty startups, all alike

Nick Douglas · 09/08/06 08:57PM
  • BusinessWeek reports on the Hewlett-Packard leak probe and ensuing scandal: "The HP board will meet on Sunday. The company declined to say if this is an emergency meeting of directors to discuss the fallout from the probe." Right, they decided to meet on Sunday for no particular reason. Just for brunch, actually! Mimosas! WE'RE ALL GOOD FRIENDS HERE. [BusinessWeek]

Who can make the most boring Google/Fox illustration?

Nick Douglas · 08/08/06 09:00AM

There are many tricks to gussying up a dry article, and the flashiest is to slap an illustration in the corner. (Now you know why nearly every Valleywag article has a picture.) Photos of people are ideal; after that come still-life photos (mostly gadgets or handiwork), illustrations, or screenshots. Dangling at the bottom of the food chain are logos.

Fox flipmeat: Handicapping the horses

ndouglas · 03/03/06 06:19PM

Since Fox Interactive prez Ross Levinsohn said "We bought someone in this room" — at a Web 2.0 clusterfest — the bloggers have gone mad trying to guess which piece of flipmeat Fox chowed down on. Or, as VC blogger Paul Kedrosky puts it, Fox bought itself "a kazoo chorus of unwitting hype-meisters noisily playing the 'guess the company' game."

Who did Fox buy?

ndouglas · 03/03/06 03:41PM

Okay, 'fess up — one of you pieces of flipmeat now belongs to Fox, according to that video from Web 2.0 Under the Radar. There are only so many options — TechCrunch counts 31. Maybe Riya, definitely not Tailrank (though its founder Kevin Burton says he's already been "congratulated" on his sale after he joked about it).

Fox: "We bought someone in this room."

ndouglas · 03/03/06 01:55PM

Valley superblog TechCrunch came out yesterday with exclusive video of a buyout un-announcement at yesterday's Under the Radar conference. The admission came from Ross Levinsohn during an on-stage interview with TechCrunch owner Michael Arrington. The Fox Interactive president paused and blurted, "We have bought someone in this room."