• BusinessWeek reports on the Hewlett-Packard leak probe and ensuing scandal: "The HP board will meet on Sunday. The company declined to say if this is an emergency meeting of directors to discuss the fallout from the probe." Right, they decided to meet on Sunday for no particular reason. Just for brunch, actually! Mimosas! WE'RE ALL GOOD FRIENDS HERE. [BusinessWeek]
  • Blogger Rick Abruzzo writes the stats sheet for a Net Neutral. Skills and items include Ring of Michael Arrington ("Can cast Shit Into Sunshine, once per day") and All Your Mace Are Belong To Us. [Supr.c.ilio.us]
  • Nothing snarky to say about GigaOM blogger Liz Gannes's profile of the Slim Devices, makers of the Squeezebox music player. I just like the article. [GigaOM]
  • Fox Interactive head Ross Levinsohn would tell new players in the Internet market, "Don't copy the original; be authentic." Or, like Ross, buy the original. [AlwaysOn]
  • A secondhand guide to Digg's story-promotion algorithm shows it's really complex, harder to game than you'd think, and probably ugly as sin on the backend. [MarketingShift]