Fox flipmeat: Handicapping the horses

Since Fox Interactive prez Ross Levinsohn said "We bought someone in this room" — at a Web 2.0 clusterfest — the bloggers have gone mad trying to guess which piece of flipmeat Fox chowed down on. Or, as VC blogger Paul Kedrosky puts it, Fox bought itself "a kazoo chorus of unwitting hype-meisters noisily playing the 'guess the company' game."
Time to blow your kazoos. So far, I've gathered the following predictions:
Blog Herald: News aggregator Newsvine is "rumored" to be the sellout. But why would someone buy Newsvine when, well, when Digg exists?
Silicon Beat: Who knows, but is Spy Media next?
Stowe Boyd: Tagged. No, not Tagged? Damn.
Good Morning Silicon Valley: Riya? Newsvine? Goowy?
A Valleywag commenter named "Mensch" says Meetro's lackluster presentation was far below par, and the only explanation is MORE COWBELL. I mean the only explanation is that Meetro already got the deal.
And from the TechCrunch peanut gallery:
"Markus" says Eurekster.
"Ted" says Zvents.
Jason Baptiste, "noob," and Dogster's Ted Rheingold say Meetro.
But Meetro has its own picks: Eurekster, Popist, and Sphere. Come on, Meetro, if you're trying to cover your ass, just give up and admit it — you make a tasty addition to Myspace, with your geo-located IMing and your "kinda cool, kinda stalker" vibe.
Fox Announces Acquistion; Exclusive Video [TechCrunch]
Earlier: Who did Fox buy? [Valleywag]
Image: Meetro HQ [Meetro]