Things are moving quickly in Egypt today. Street protests have consumed Cairo and other major cities, and the army's been called out to quell them. A quick roundup of the latest news, below.

  • President Hosni Mubarak, the target of ferocious protests all day today, has reportedly sent the army into the streets to back up police battling protesters, and imposed a curfew.
  • Despite this, news accounts say pro-democracy protests are growing, as protesters lose their fear of speaking out.
  • And further: "The ruling party headquarters in Cairo was going up in flames apparently set by enraged protesters demanding Mubarak's ouster. Thousands stayed on the streets into the night in Cairo and Suez despite the government opposing an official curfew at dusk."
  • Mubarak is reportedly going to address the nation "soon."
  • Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the IAEA, has reportedly been placed under house arrest. (Those reports still appear to be unconfirmed.)
  • Hillary Clinton has called on Egypt's government to allow "peaceful" protests, and she's called on protesters to be peaceful. President Obama is "closely monitoring" the situation, but it's unclear what the U.S. is doing behind the scenes. Yesterday, Joe Biden said publicly that Hosni Mubarak is not a "dictator."
  • A BBC reporter was beaten and four French journalists were arrested while covering the protests.
  • The situation in Egypt has world financial markets acting panicky. Stocks worldwide saw their biggest drop in three months, and oil prices are rising today.

Photos taken today in Cairo below.

[Photo, top, via Getty]