
Bill Cosby: "People Should Fact Check"

Kelly Conaboy · 11/22/14 09:47AM

As more and more accusers come forward, Bill Cosby has remained silent—officially silent—about the allegation that he drugged and raped several women throughout his career. Last night, before a sold out show at a college campus in Florida, he spoke to Florida Today, saying, "I know people are tired of me not saying anything."

Elementary School Teacher Arrested for Sending Student "Sexual" Photos

Allie Jones · 11/19/14 01:38PM

Here's something depressing: teacher-student racy photo scandals are no longer limited to high school. A 28-year-old fifth grade teacher in Florida was arrested yesterday after allegedly sending sexual photos to a student at her school—so, a child under the age of 12—via the messaging app Kik.

Cops Drag Sad, Drunk Cyclist Away From Taco Bell Drive-Thru at 3 a.m.

Jay Hathaway · 11/19/14 12:18PM

In his strangely poetic mugshot, Gabriel Harris of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., appears to be the saddest man in the world, wracked with a deep and abiding pain we can hardly begin to comprehend. But was he upset at his arrest, or at being dragged away empty-handed from Taco Bell at 3 a.m.? Either seems pretty plausible when you're drunk.

Florida College President Is Either a Thug or a Moron

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/14 09:48AM

The president of a Florida college that serves more than ten thousand students says he does not believe that his own students should be entitled to report on things that happen at their own school. Why is this man in the field of education?

Mother Miraculously Wakes Up After Not Having a Pulse For 45 Minutes

Aleksander Chan · 11/10/14 01:30PM

After giving birth via cesarian section at Boca Raton Regional Hospital in September, Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro fell unconscious from a rare amniotic fluid embolism. Doctors attempted to revive her for three hours, and after 45 minutes without a pulse, her family was called into the operating room to say their goodbyes. Just before doctors planned to declare the mother dead, her heart started beating again.

Home in Seaside Town Includes Rotting Corpse in Master Bedroom

Aleksander Chan · 11/06/14 03:00PM

William Wilson acquired his pink Cape Coral, Fla. home in a foreclosure auction Tuesday for $96,000. When he went to the home the next day to inspect the property, he found an unlisted, additional feature: the decaying remains of what neighbors believe to be the home's last tenant, who hasn't been seen in years.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/14 04:09PM

Scientists in Florida say they have documented lizard species there evolving in as little as 15 years—so quickly that one may even run for President of the United States.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/14 01:46PM

Here you will find an argument that the city of Miami, which is slowly being slowly eaten by the sea, should encourage more development, so it will have the tax base necessary to pay for the construction of defenses to save those developments from the rising seas. That's that Florida logic.