In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, ninety-year-old volunteer worker Arnold Abbott was arrested this week for preparing and serving a meal to a group of homeless people. He faces a $500 fine and up to 60 days in jail, local news outlet KHON reports.

Abbott and the two church ministers with whom he was arrested stand accused of violating a new local ordnance that "effectively outlaws" the distribution of food to homeless people in public places, according to KHON. Abbott said police stopped him in the act on Sunday:

"One of police officers came over and said 'Drop that plate right now,' as if I was carrying a weapon," Abbott said.

Also charged was a minister from Coral Springs and Sanctuary Church pastor, Wayne Black.

"We believe very strongly that Jesus taught us that we are to feed his sheep," said Pastor Black.

For Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler, oblivious to the coming PR disaster, warned that the law would be enforced when it was passed last week. From Fort Lauderdale's Local 10:

"Just because of media attention we don't stop enforcing the law," said Seiler. "We enforce the laws here in Fort Lauderdale."

Abbott, who seems like a real badass, sued the city and won in 1999 when it banned him from feeding the homeless on the beach. He told KHON that he's not afraid to go to court again, and said he'll be back on the street with food tomorrow despite the arrest.

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