
Mentally Challenged Man Kicked, Punched for His New GTA V Game

Lacey Donohue · 09/19/13 10:03PM

Sigh. Rohan Dawkins, 21, of Delray Beach, Florida went to a GameStop store on Tuesday to pick up his copy of Grand Theft Auto V. Dawkins, who attends a special needs transitional program for adults during the week, had been saving money from his weekend job at Home Depot to purchase the game. Over the past several weeks, he’d been regularly stopping by the store to pay for it in $10 to $20 installments.

Florida Pastor Arrested While Towing 2998 Kerosene-Soaked Qurans

Lacey Donohue · 09/11/13 08:59PM

A Florida pastor was arrested today, thus halting his Facebooked-plans to burn 2998 Qurans in a Mulberry park to “protest” the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Pastor Terry Jones, 61, and his associate Pastor Marvin Sapp Jr., 44, were just minding their own business driving a pickup truck towing a large grill filled with thousands of kerosene-soaked Qurans when they were pulled over and stopped.

Oh Great, GhettoTracker Is Back and as Offensive as Ever

Nitasha Tiku · 09/05/13 03:10PM

The 30-something Tallahassee man responsible for GhettoTracker.com sure is a fickle fucker. In response to all the "negative baggage" that came with inviting users to mark off which ghettos to avoid—no actual crime data necessary—he relaunched as "Good Part of Town." Then he took down the site because segregating lower-income neighborhoods "wasn't worth the trouble." Now, he's back and as bigoted as ever!

White Sheriff Scolds Black College President for Hosting Rap Concert

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/13 10:08AM

This year, at the request of students, Florida Gulf Coast University booked Kendrick Lamar and Ludacris as the headliners at its annual "Eaglepalooza" concert. Well— the local sheriff is outraged that FGCU's president— a black man!— would stand for this filth.

'Honest' Florida Panhandler Needs Help Buying Bigger Boobs

Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/12/13 09:01AM

Many panhandlers try the honesty approach when it comes to asking passers-by for spare change, but Florida panhandler Christina Andrews is hoping she'll stand out by taking honesty to the next level: TMI.