As it turns out, eating hallucinogenic mushrooms, stripping off your clothes, and walking your dog through a quiet Florida neighborhood is a good way to attract police attention. Such was the lesson Robin Campbell, 20, learned early Sunday evening.

Police were called to a Maitland, Florida neighborhood at 5 p.m. Sunday after neighbors spotted a completely nude Campbell walking his dog. When officers asked where his clothing was, Campbell allegedly replied, multiple times, “This is God's house.”

Maitland Police Officer Nickolas Lawrence asked Campbell if he'd been drinking. Campbell was initially defiant. “You have had some alcohol,” he responded, before admitting that he had eaten mushrooms and adding, “If you don't get out of my way, I'm going to kill you.”

At that point, Lawrence and his partner attempted to arrest Campbell, who resisted. Lawrence shot Campbell in the chest with his Taser gun, stunning him briefly before Campbell charged again. Lawrence again shot him with the Taser gun, but that didn't stop Campbell either; instead the 20-year-old lunged for the Taser gun.

Police eventually managed to handcuff Campbell, but not before he scratched one of the officer's hands, drawing blood, while kicking Lawrence. A third Taser shot finally fell Campbell, and police were able to take him to a nearby hospital for evaluation.

Campbell was later booked into the Orange County Jail on two counts of battery of a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer with violence, resisting an officer without violence, and exposure of sexual organs.

[Orlando Sentinel/NY Daily News]