
Exciting MediaBistro/Gawker Alum News!

Pareene · 04/03/08 05:08PM

We're not the only ones with a fancy new office! MediaBistro is, we hear from sources close to the listings site and blog concern, moving up to 33rd and Park, which is on the Upper East Side or something, right? Should be a fun commute! FishbowlNY editor Neal Ungerleider won't have to make it, though, as his last day at the site is tomorrow. But! Former Gawker editor Emily Gould is now a contributing editor at MediaBistro publishing site GalleyCat! Busy, busy, busy.

Dylan Stableford Bids Laurel And Her Million-Dollar Boa Adieu

Doree Shafrir · 08/02/07 12:40PM

Bloggy Dylan Stableford is leaving Mediabistro's Fishbowl NY after a year and a half. Sniff! He's going back to his old company in Connecticut to do all sorts of secret Folio web things. His replacements are former Gridskipper contributor Neal Ungerleider and Corsair blogger Ron Mwangaguhunga, who, at least according to his highly-regular Facebook status updates, has been really wanting the job for some time now! Well congrats, big guy! In other MB musical chairs, new TV Newser Chris Ariens got stuck with Dylan's other responsibility as managing editor of the entire site. It's worth noting that this is Mediabistro's fifth staff departure (that we know of!) since March. Does the boa have fleas? The full text of Dylan's farewell email follows. We'd like to see that uneven tan, please!

Judith Regan: A Look Back At The Looks Back

abalk2 · 12/18/06 12:50PM

By now you've probably read enough about the Judith Regan firing to make you wish that O.J. were actually innocent. But there's been one important issue we've yet to see addressed: How did the blogs cover the coverage of the firing? Let's take a quick look back to this morning:

Jessica Cutler Is A Smart Whore

Emily Gould · 12/06/06 09:30AM

The enormous scandale of media/actual whore Jessica Cutler's refusal to appear as scheduled at a Mediabistro panel next Monday made it to Page Six today. The mature professionals at Mediabistro, possibly upset at losing the only real blog-to-book success story on their panel (sorry, overhyped Julie/Julia) reacted to Cutler's cancellation by reminding the public that she is "someone known for exchanging sex for money," thus saving possible panel attendants the $20 they would have paid to learn "How Bloggers Get Book Deals."

Remainders: PopoZo We Knew You Not

Jessica · 09/25/06 06:00PM

• Hey, got a second? Good, take a seat. We've got some distressing news for you, so brace yourself: Kevin Federline's unforgettable first single, "PopoZ o," will not be included on his debut album. We don't understand it either. It's just too soon to see something so great die; sob... [Idolator]
• At a book party he hosted for Arianna Huffington, former Viacom CEO Tom Freston threw FishbowlNY blogger Dylan Stableford out of his apartment. Aw. Jim Kelly would NEVER do that! [FishbowlNY]
GQ editor leaves in favor of being in charge of big boobs at Penthouse. [Radar]
• Speaking of Huffington: if there were only 24 hours before the End of the World, she would blog. Someone get this lady outside, please. [92Y]
• Meet Dethroner, the smart boy blog from Gawker Media alum Joel Johnson, formerly of Gizmodo and performer of other ass-saving duties around HQ. [Dethroner]
• If the boys at Maxim, who'd fuck a rotten cantaloupe if given the chance, find Nancy Grace "unboinkable," you know it's time to put the old gal down. [Maxim]
• The Upper East Side property blown to pieces by Dr. Nicholas Bartha Bartha will be selling for $8 million million. [NY Sun]
• Should Glamour dating blogger have text-sex with a stranger in Iceland? Or should she fuck one of the seventeen other dudes she's publicly playing? [See Alyssa Date]
• Hey, did you hear about blogs? They're good for business. Seriously, if we have to read one more article like this, we're going to smash in every newspaper editor's face with our laptops. [WSJ]
• Jessica Joffe's reign of terror for Banana Republic comes to an end, letting media freaks return to buying overpriced merino without having to see her flaming red hair at every turn. [WWD (2nd item)]

Media Bubble: Everyone We Know

abalk2 · 08/17/06 12:51PM

• Sports writers vs. sports bloggers: Whose sublimated homosexual desire for strong, sweaty men will prove dominant in the long run? [92nd St Y]
• Will Ben Widdicombe take over Lloyd Grove's empty chair once the sad-faced gossip is kicked to the curb? says "unequivocally," which doesn't sound at all like an attempt to force a decision that hasn't yet been made. [Jossip]
• With rare exceptions, we're reluctant to reprint every crazy-ass letter from obvious nuts that comes across our inbox. We don't have a problem linking to people who do, though. [FishbowlNY]

Liveblogging the Liveblog Coverage of 'Tabloid Wars'

Jessica · 08/08/06 08:00AM

We've said it before, but we are simply ill-equipped to run with the stallions competing for coverage of Bravo's Daily News docu-series Tabloid Wars. Paralyzed by our love for deputy metro meatbaton Greg Gittrich and slow at the keyboard thanks to various, unrelated medications, there's just no way our treatment of this "story" would ever satisfy the show's 2,000 die-hard fans. So instead, we rededicate our energy not to liveblogging the show, but liveblogging FishbowlNY editor Dylan Stableford's conscientious liveblog coverage of the show. After the jump, we watch Dylan watch.

Liveblogging the Liveblog Coverage of 'Tabloid Wars'

Jessica · 08/01/06 08:13AM

We know our limitations, and on a sweaty Monday night viewing of Tabloid Wars, we're going to be rendered useless (more so than usual) by our love for Daily News deputy metro meatstud Greg Gittrich (more on him later). We're not capable of much, then, other than drooling at the screen and fantasizing about life as Gittrich's "hard" news fluffer. In general, our lustful paralysis means that we simply cannot keep up with FishbowlNY's vigilant live-blogging of the show as it unfolds. So instead we present you with our liveblog of Fishbowl editor Dylan Stableford's Tabloid Wars liveblog. After the jump, soak up the meta.

As the Fishbowl Turns...

Jesse · 02/01/06 01:29PM

Today is a momentous day in the history of medialand: It's our first day without founding 'Bowler and rabid Canadian Rachel Sklar manning Mediabistro's FishbowlNY. We naturally wish all the best to Rachel — undoubtedly the kindest person you'll ever meet at some blogger party at 2 in the morning — but we also must use this opportunity to take care of some business. That's right, folks, it's time to update the Greg Lindsay Career Trajectory. As it now stands:

Hardballing the Times Op-Ed Team

Jessica · 01/30/06 11:06AM

Because "blogs" are increasingly "valid," FishbowlNY got some time with the Times' jolly Op-Ed man Frank Rich. And what was discussed during this valuable opportunity? Showtunes. Oh, excuse us — the NYC media's showtune agenda. Don't laugh: we'd do the exact same thing. Our dream list of equally compelling list of topics we'd throw at the Op-Ed team:

Anonymous Blogger Outed, Not Fired

Jesse · 07/21/05 05:24PM

Formerly anonymous beauty-mag blogger JolieinNYC, whose identity had been the subject of much speculation over at FishbowlNY, was inadvertently outed on Monday by, natch, a beauty publicist.