Paste Magazine Not Long For This World?
In your action-packed Wednesday media column: Paste Magazine's teetering, Thai newspapers are bloody, Jonah Goldberg whines foolishly, WSJ warns staffers about Twitter doom, and much more!

Danger: Paste Magazine is reportedly in trouble—this blog says staffers are taking a 20% pay cut, and the magazine is "trying to scrounge up enough money to put out the next issue." If you are a fan of Paste Magazine, now is the time to buy 100 subscriptions. Update: Paste editor Josh Jackson has confirmed reports of the publication's troubled finances in a letter to contributors apologizing for late payments and an announcement of a fundraising campaign to save the music magazine.
But here's a god damn inspirational thing: 76 year-old trade mag Industrial Equipment News was folded by its publisher in March. But a group of former employees is going to resurrect it in September! This is the most heartwarming industrial trade magazine news of the week.

Seems that the newspapers in Thailand have their own cultural "way" of selling papers: By making the front pages a "Gallery of gore," with photos such as "a meth dealer splayed dead beside a toilet, a married couple shot dead and slumped in their pick-up truck." So this is different from the New York Post how?
FishbowlNY hires Amanda Ernst as its new editor.

Important conservative Thinker, Jonah Goldberg of the National Review, wrote a whiny post about a post about him on Wonkette which was obviously the best possible thing that Wonkette's editors could have hoped for, because Jonah Goldberg is quite clearly revealing himself to be terribly sensitive to what is written about him on his drug-fueled enemy site, Wonkette. This is the problem with today's Republican Party.

As predicted, the WSJ is warning staffers about the perils of Twitter and Facebook and other online doodads that can be exploited by the hyenas of the internet such as ourselves. Basically as long as they never say or do anything that could be construed as "interesting," they'll be okay.