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Meanwhile, over at FishbowlNY:

It is with regret and surprise that FishbowlNY reports that our source at CNN has been fired, unfortunately for Fishbowl-related reasons. Tom Thomsen, a now-former CNN employee and director of a weekly performance (unrelated to mediabistro) in which I participate, told me that he was fired from CNN for the following reasons: speaking about the company to an outside source without authorization; revealing information about a meeting where executives were speaking to employees, not the general public; and granting an outside person access to the company for inappropriate reasons and sharing proprietary company information with that person.

And just one day after Krucoff's ousting from Conde Nast. We know imitation is the highest form of flattery. But we can't help thinking Sklar has finally taken things a bit too far.

Fishbowl's Source at CNN Is Fired [FishbowlNY]