
Scoop! Yahoo VPs to get canned in the next 7 days

Nick Douglas · 11/09/06 08:50PM

Rumor has it that some top Yahoos might want to refresh that resume. A source revealed that there may be a shake-up in the next 7 days, telling me, "You should be worried if your title starts with an 'E' or an 'S.'" They explained that the Executive Vice Presidents and Senior Vice Presidents have more to fear than the Engineers and Secretaries.

Scoop: Fortune Magazine taps new managing editor

Nick Douglas · 10/31/06 12:27PM

Fortune Magazine dumped managing editor Eric Pooley today, replacing him with Fortune writer and CNN anchor Andy Serwer, according to an all-hands e-mail sent to Time Inc. staff under an hour ago and obtained by Valleywag.

AOL sacks CTO (for doing her job)

Nick Douglas · 08/21/06 05:05PM

AOL fired Chief Technology Officer Maureen Govern, according the Wall Street Journal. The paper's source says the bumbling company was responding to the outcry against its records-releasing fiasco, in which millions of user search records were released to the public.

"Valleyhag got me fired"

Nick Douglas · 07/05/06 10:09AM

In all its glory, as promised ten minutes ago, the web site of the man fired for laughing at Valleywag.

The Ballmer morale boost: Hand out towels, lay off a thousand workers

Nick Douglas · 05/23/06 12:29PM

Damn, those must be some pricey perks. The same weekend that Microsoft hands employees their towels back (among other benefits that Microserfs lost years ago), Ballmer laid off over 1000 contract workers for a week. Yeah, that seems like a morale-building way to cut costs.

Fired stories: The EA warez guy

ndouglas · 02/16/06 04:36PM

Thanks to buyouts, takeovers, and downsizing, Silicon Valley has higher turnover than a suburban McDonald's. And not all the exits are voluntary. "Fatlimey" sends in the story of an Electronic Arts warez pirate: