
Does Suge Knight Have a Reality Show or Not?

ian spiegelman · 03/23/08 12:11PM

A trailer for Unfinished Business, which seems to be a reality TV show starring Death Row founder Suge Knight, is online today. It looks kind of good, with plenty of fighting, F-Bombs being dropped all over the place, and one youngster talking tough and following it up by running off in a panic. But where is this thing going to air? And when? I've watched it a few times and those little details just don't seem to exist. Trailer after the jump.

Gore Vidal Does Happy Little Jig Upon William F. Buckley's Grave

Pareene · 03/21/08 11:24AM

Author and professional personality Gore Vidal is a man who holds grudges. He holds them dearly, tenderly, and he'll hold them all to the grave, should he ever actually reach it. His sparring partners nearly all reside there these days—Truman Capote some time ago, Mailer (who he never actually hated that much, fistfights aside) more recently, and conservative intellectual William F. Buckley just last February. Buckley and Vidal's history goes back to the early 1960s, when they appeared on television together quite often to argue with each other, which was always thrilling, as the animosity between them was real. Which is easily seen in Vidal's non-obituary of Buckley, which is also a take-down of Newsweek's Buckley obituary. And of Newsweek itself, and the entire United States press, and even Buckley's "creepy" son Chris. It is, we're reasonably sure, the first thing Vidal's written on the subject of his enemy since Buckley's death, and quite possibly since well before that. As you might expect, it's a great (if sadly brief) read.

What the Liberty fight reveals: Diller's no entrepreneur

Owen Thomas · 01/29/08 01:55PM

Having borrowed his empire, Barry Diller is now living on borrowed time. Former cable baron John Malone's Liberty Media is trying to break the sophisticated financial arrangements which give Diller control over IAC, his online conglomerate. Diller calls the effort "insane," "hogwash." But here's the reality: Diller owns 28 percent of the company, while Liberty owns 24 percent, according to the company's most recent proxy statement. Liberty, however, controls nearly 60 percent of the company's voting stock. Diller, in turn, has the right to vote Liberty's shares. This complicated entanglement is what Liberty and Diller are fighting about. Far more interesting than the legalisms is what it shows about Diller — and why Diller's so unhappy about it.

Owen Thomas · 01/28/08 07:18PM

The fight between John Malone and Barry Diller is getting brutal. As Diller prepares to spin off several businesses, leaving a company focused on the Oakland-based Ask.com search engine, Malone's Liberty Media has asked a court to remove Diller from IAC's board and allow Liberty to appoint several board members, in an effort to seize control of the company. Liberty owns 30 percent of IAC, and holds 62 percent of the voting rights, but an agreement allows Diller to vote Liberty's shares, giving him effective control of the company. [WSJ]

Peace Declared

Richard Lawson · 01/11/08 10:30AM

Big fat loudmouth Rosie O'Donnell and former sneaker designer Elisabeth Hasselbeck have reportedly called a truce on the feud that began when they shared a little table on The View. O'Donnell apparently approves of Hasselbeck's infant son Taylor Thomas, the world's newest uninformed nut, saying: "He's very, very cute. I saw him on TV, and I sent him a lovely gift, and (Hasselbeck and I) have been e-mailing each other. And peace prevails." Then Donald Trump jumped out of the bushes and hit O'Donnell over the head with a sack of doorknobs. Hatfields and McCoys, those two!

Diner Owner, Tabloid Gossip Trash Michael Wolff

Choire · 12/20/07 10:50AM

Gossip gal Liz Smith chats with Michael's owner Michael McCarty over at Radar. (What goes into a $35 burger? Uh, "Really good meat," allegedly. More accurately: "The price of real estate in Midtown Manhattan?") And then Michael gets to finally knife Vanity Fair writer Michael Wolff over his boycott of Michael's.


Owen Thomas · 11/26/07 06:17PM

So how bad is Windows Vista? The delayed, bloated Microsoft operating system is "very good," according to CNET, earning a 7.4 rating for its Home Premium version. But if you've actually installed it and want a second opinion, you should know that it's one of the "top ten terrible tech products" ... also according to CNET. Whom should we believe? By process of elimination, not CNET.

Local haters pile on Fake Steve

Paul Boutin · 11/26/07 03:46PM

Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs has garnered critical praise from the New York-based media. It's not Huck Finn, but it's a good read — better-written and deeper-thinking than the blog from which it sprang. So of course the Valley's local hacks hate it. Last week it was the SF Weekly. Now, CNET actively dis-recommends the book as a holiday gift. "Fake Steve's influence failed to reach very far outside Silicon Valley, and so the novelized version of the blog has a narrow potential audience indeed," claims the unsigned review (cough yellowbelly cough), in a clear break from reality. "Additionally, three CNET News.com reporters who read Options agreed that the book just isn't that good."

Jordan Golson · 11/07/07 01:43PM

"[Movie and television studios] make deals with Steve Jobs, who takes them to the cleaners. They make all these kinds of things, and who's making money? Apple! They should get a piece of Apple. If I was a union, I'd be striking up wherever he is." — Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner on the entertainment business and the Writer's Guild strike, and Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who played a big role in Eisner's ouster. By the way, Mikey? Apple's in Cupertino. Take 101 north, and then it's just a few exits off 280. If you'd spent more time there, maybe you'd still have a job. [CNET]

Google counters Facebook with AM radio

Nicholas Carlson · 11/07/07 01:19PM

After Facebook's big launch in New York yesterday, source after source told me Google better watch out. Well, no worries, fans of the big blue, red, yellow and green. Google's got an ad product to knock that Facebook hype back a notch. Today Google made inventory from 1,700 AM and FM stations available to its advertisers through Audio Ads in AdWords. Hear that? AM and FM. Better watch out, Zuck. (Photo by simpsontwin)

Calacanis considers Silicon Valley gossip blog

Paul Boutin · 11/04/07 03:32AM

It's only speculation, but you can watch funtrepreneur Jason Calacanis connecting the dots in his head: The concept here is you beat me down, but send a couple of dozen readers ... Paul B, [sick of] low-paying job with Nick Denton, takes over the ship ... profit! Dude, I'll take that as another of your public job offers. Make it $12.50 a post and I'll bring Jordan "Bulldog Pup" Golson with me.

AVN, AdBrite part ways over porn

Owen Thomas · 11/02/07 11:24AM

AVN, the porn-industry trade publisher, has at last split with longtime partner AdBrite, which ran an AVN-branded online ad network for adult websites. A new network, run solely by AVN, will launch on December 1. We first noticed the relationship was on the rocks when AVN yanked the AdBrite-run AVNads.com website offline and threw up a hastily built, barely functional site of its own back in August. AdBrite then briefed porn publishers about plans for its own porn-ad network, BlackLabelAds, which was supposed to launch in September, but never did. The two partners patched things up, restoring AdBrite's site. One small problem for AVN, though.

Fake Steve to face angry mob at book reading

Jordan Golson · 11/01/07 05:28PM

Yes, tonight's the night. Dan Lyons as Fake Steve Jobs is meeting Segway-polo fanatic Real Steve Wozniak for an Options reading at the Menlo Park Keplers at 7:30. This is a party that we just can't miss. Some of us anyway. My boss is too cheap to let me expense a Virgin America flight cross-country. Owen "Mr. Bigglesworth" Thomas will be there, purring away. So will Megan McCarthy, the self-proclaimed "Princess of the Valley." Finally, very special correspondent Paul Boutin (boo-TAHN) will be there with his wife, Christina Noren, whom voters on Dig a Silicon Valley Girl have deemed the prettiest girl in the area. You don't want to miss that! Hit the jump to see what Fake Steve had to say the last time Woz crashed his party.

Scoble goes down swinging

Paul Boutin · 10/29/07 06:53AM

If you're going to call someone a liar, first be sure it's the truth. I'm rockin' the house to Craig Morgan's "International Harvester," catching up on last week's infighting between Secret Diary of Steve Jobs author Dan Lyons and videoblogger Robert Scoble. Lyons says Scoble's company, PodTech, is "going under." Scoble says the company is "restructuring its business and refocusing its resources." It's all fun and games until the Scobleizer repeatedly asserts — on Twitter, of course — that yours truly at Valleywag prints LIES!

In your face! BusinessWeek columnist throws drink at TechCrunch editor

Owen Thomas · 10/26/07 01:20PM

The Lobby, David Hornik's Hawaii funconference, may have no agenda — but a lot is happening all the same. One delicious incident recounted to us: TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington, who'd previously wooed BusinessWeek columnist and Valley fox Sarah Lacy onto his TechCrunch40 judges panel, apparently said something that made her throw a drink in his face. That's the first thing I've heard about The Lobby so far that actually made me wish I was there. Update: We hear the glass was empty. Okay, so make that two wishes: That we were there, and that Lacy wasn't so quick to sling back her booze.