
Obama: "We Know the March Is Not Over Yet"

Brendan O'Connor · 03/07/15 04:45PM

President Barack Obama delivered a speech on Saturday from the Edmund Pettus Bridge—named for a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and site of what came to be known as "Bloody Sunday"—addressing race in America. "What happened in Ferguson may not be unique," he said, "but it's no longer endemic. It's no longer sanctioned by law or custom, and before the civil rights movement, it most surely was."

Justice Dept Finds Years of Racial Discrimination By Ferguson PD: Report

Aleksander Chan · 03/02/15 08:35AM

According to the forthcoming report on the Justice Department's investigation into the Ferguson, Mo. police department for alleged civil rights violations, the department has demonstrated a history of racial profiling that has intensified race relations in the St. Louis suburb.

Ferguson Grand Juror Sues Prosecutor to Speak About "Muddled" Case

Aleksander Chan · 01/05/15 03:05PM

In a federal lawsuit filed today by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, a member of the grand jury that chose not to indict former Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown is suing to lift the lifetime gag order. "Grand Juror Doe" names St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch in the suit, and alleges he presented information to the grand jury in a "muddled" and "untimely" manner.

The Year's Best Comebacks

Jason Parham · 12/31/14 10:10AM

How do you properly measure the substance of a year? Time spent with family? The amount of retweets you've garnered on Twitter? Or perhaps the hours you've wasted watching trash TV? Comebacks, for me, are the true measure of a year—stories about resilience and drive and hard work. Here, before we say goodbye to 2014, the year's best comebacks.

Report: Darren Wilson's Key Witness Lied About Everything

Aleksander Chan · 12/16/14 10:12AM

In a damning new report by the Smoking Gun, a crucial witness in the grand jury deciding whether to indict former Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson is revealed as having fabricated her eyewitness account of the altercation between Wilson and unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9. "Witness 40," identified as 45-year-old Sandra McElroy, has a documented history of racist remarks, criminal behavior, and mental illness.

Frat Suspended for "Clemson Cripmas" Party in Wake of Ferguson Protests

Allie Jones · 12/08/14 12:40PM

While Clemson students protested non-indictments in Ferguson and Staten Island on campus this weekend, some frat bros decided to elevate the race discussion by dressing like gang members. Sigma Alpha Epsilon threw a "Clemson Cripmas" theme party Saturday night, which featured a lot of white kids sporting fake tear drop tattoos.