Two Ferguson police officers have reportedly resigned and a court clerk has been fired for sending or receiving racist emails, according to the St. Louis Dispatch. The dismissals come just two days after the Department of Justice released a damning report exposing the Ferguson Police Department as fundamentally racist.

The Dispatch reports that Capt. Rick Henke and Sgt. William Mudd resigned on Thursday; Court Clerk Mary Ann Twitty was fired on Wednesday.

From the Dispatch:

It was not clear whether the three were alleged to be senders or recipients of offensive emails. They could not be reached for comment.

The sources said Henke was associated with an e-mail from 2008 suggesting that President Barack Obama would not be president for very long because a black man can't hold a job. They said Mudd was associated with an e-mail from 2011 suggesting that CrimeStoppers paid a black woman who terminated a pregnancy.

With the resignations of Henke and Mudd, the Ferguson Police Department only has to replace the remainder of its entire force in order to become racism- and brutality-free.

[Image via AP]

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