Which Actor Was Just Spotted on Vacation with His New Beard?
Brian Moylan · 01/09/12 10:40AMMalepocalypse Now: If Women Wear Axe, Is Everyone Gay?
Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/12 10:28AMAnti-Asian Fast Food Receipt Racism One Incident Away from Trend
Max Read · 01/09/12 09:40AMHere Are Some Adult My Little Pony Fanatics We Met at BronyCon
Adrian Chen and Max Read · 01/08/12 04:54PMEveryone At Downton Receives Shocking News In Letters
Matt Toder · 01/07/12 12:30PMJulian Fellowes' Edwardian soap Downton Abbey returns for its second season Sunday night which is very excited news indeed. The first season was filled with many a twist and turn and, very often, this news was delivered via ominous letters that our beloved characters stared at blank-faced. In fact, each of the first season's seven episodes included at least three instances of characters receiving news, most times troubling news, in a letter. Here are all of them.
Here's the Actress Suing IMDb for Revealing Her Real Age
Maureen O'Connor · 01/06/12 06:16PM
The mysterious actress suing IMDb for revealing her "real age" and "real Asian name" has been revealed: Huong Hoang, stage name Junie Hoang, is a 40-year-old Vietnam-born Texan who says IMDb's ruthless privacy invasion has jeopardized her career as "Ghetto Girl Three" in Hoodrats 2: Hoodrat Warriors and "Sandy" in Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver.
This Week in Commenter Executions: Hammer Time
Brian Moylan · 01/06/12 06:10PMFacebook Finally Acknowledges Existence of Unfortunately-Named Town of Effin
Adrian Chen · 01/06/12 06:03PM
Facebook has finally allowed the residents of the Irish town of Effin to list the place as their hometown, after months of blocking it for being "offensive". You know, 'cause "effin" sounds like the F-word, and Facebook's sensitive servers might blow up if even a hint of coarseness brushes their fiber optics.
The Crazy Department-Wide Emails That Everyone at NYU Is Talking About
Max Read · 01/06/12 04:40PM
At around 3:17 on Wednesday morning, every student in NYU's Department of Social and Cultural Analysis received a bizarre "open letter" to NYU President John Sexton, from a student who claimed she'd been "forced" to do an ethnographic assignment on Occupy Wall Street. It was 2,800 words long, oddly typeset, and quickly followed up by another five equally eccentric emails. Someone sent us the full set of emails, which everyone at NYU—and elsewhere—was talking about. Want to read them?
Chimera Monkeys Are Coming for Your Baby
Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/12 04:00PMJersey Shore: Home Is Where The Rot Is
Brian Moylan · 01/06/12 03:45PMThe return of Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time reminds us of a number of platitudes: You can never go home again, there are no second acts in American life, the rich are different, you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friend's nose. Oh, what a sad homecoming it was.
Here Are Some Rich New Yorkers Whining About Feeling Poor
Maureen O'Connor · 01/06/12 03:33PMA Chat With the Teen Saudi Hacker Who Says He Stole a Million Israeli Credit Cards
Adrian Chen · 01/06/12 03:00PMHow to Talk to Real Live Women
Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/12 01:06PM
We know how it is. You were raised completely by the internet, your entire personality is an online creation, and though you're suave on IM, the prospect of chatting up a girl in person is a strange and terrifying prospect. Some of you have been reduced to paying hundreds of dollars to professional wingpersons to help you approach women in public. Fret not, lovelorn computer aliens. Help is here.
Don't Make an Abstinence-Themed 'Parody' of Nicki Minaj, Please
Max Read · 01/06/12 11:58AMHi there: apparently not everyone (?) in the world has a subscription to the Gawker.com website, and therefore has not read Hamilton Nolan's helpful primer on making parody rap videos. Step one: don't. Don't ever make a rap video. That goes for all of you. Also: step two: no wigs. Thanks. [via Christian Nightmares]
No, You Should Not Grope Your Teen Niece's Tits, Even If She Is Transgender
Maureen O'Connor · 01/06/12 11:51AMThe Secrets Gay Men Don't Want Straight People to Know
Brian Moylan · 01/06/12 11:34AM
As gay men and lesbians get closer and closer to the mainstream they've often traded in their image as the queer radicals who started the Stonewall Riots for the milquetoast assimilationists who want to get married and have kids and put HRC bumper stickers on their cars. That doesn't mean we're still not queer radicals. It just means we're hiding it from you.
Which Feuding Celebs Are Actually Friends?
Brian Moylan · 01/06/12 10:59AMTeachers Aren't Totally Worthless After All
Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/12 10:29AM
As a close follower of the position papers of Republican presidential candidates, I've long been under the impression that teachers in America are a bunch of shady unionized borderline thugs, like the Teamsters with frumpier clothing. But according to a new study, a few good apples out there in our crumbling schools are actually getting something accomplished, while robbing the taxpayers blind. Who knew? The NYT reports: