Anti-Asian Fast Food Receipt Racism One Incident Away from Trend

Whoops! Mix-up at Papa John's! "Hey Papa John's, just FYI my name isn't 'lady chinky eyes.'"" ProPublica communications manager Minhee Cho helpfully Tweeted on Saturday, posting a photo of a receipt with "lady chinky eyes" listed as the name. Guess the real Lady C.E. won't be getting her pizza.
Cho, of course, is the third Asian-American fast food customer in the last two months to be the recipient of receipt-based racism—in December,a Chik-fil-A employee gave two customers receipts listing their names as "Ching" and "Chong."—which means we're all one more racist receipt-name away from a full-blown trend. (Keep an eye out and email us if you've got any good weird fast-food receipts.) The Papa John's cashier, meanwhile, has been fired, and the store assistant manager offered this explanation to Gothamist:
"It's a busy place, and it was a way to identify her and her order. You know, we do stuff like that sometimes. We'll write ‘the lady with the blue eyes' or ‘the guy in the green shirt.'"
Oh. (And here I thought it was a kind of royal title.)
Have you ever gotten a horrible, offensive, racist or otherwise hilarious receipt? Any other stories of casual racism from places that serve most of their food fried and/or covered in cheese? Let's share them with the world: email me at