
Some Ideas for Saving Newt Gingrich's Collapsing Florida Campaign

Jim Newell · 01/27/12 01:39PM

God, Newt Gingrich blew it so badly in last night's debate. After lobbying for several days to allow debate audiences to cheer again, and landing Wolf Blitzer, the most destructible sally of a debate moderator in world history, he simply allowed Mitt Romney to take advantage of the crowd and win the debate and couldn't even scream Wolf Blitzer back into his cubby hole of sadness once.

The Harrowing Before-and-After Photos of Two Years in Solitary

Max Read · 01/27/12 01:24PM

On the left: Stephen Slevin in 2005, when he was arrested in New Mexico's Dona Ana County on suspicion of driving under the influence and driving a stolen vehicle (Slevin says the car was lent to him by a friend). On the right: Slevin in 2007, just before he was released after spending nearly all of two years in solitary confinement in the county jail.

A Hedge Fund Manager's Bizarre, Lengthy Response to a Declined Second Date

Max Read · 01/27/12 12:40PM

Now and then, we get forwarded crazy emails that people — most of whom are men involved in the finance industry — send to the people they're dating, or have dated, or want to date. Today: a thesaurus-happy hedge-fund manager accuses a woman he's been on one date with of lying to him and decides he'll teach her the best way to reject someone.

Let's Let All the Old People Out of Jail

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/12 12:20PM

Here in America, our jails are full of old people, and it's costing us a ton of money to keep them in there. Huh. Now there is a problem which certainly could not have been foreseen by craven "Law and order" politicians prosecuting a useless "War on Drugs" for the sake of public popularity, nor by the simplistic bloodthirsty voters who repeatedly elected them in order to satisfy a primal hatred of "the other." Anyhow, we have a solution: let the old people out of jail.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Sure Looks Cute Playing 'Hey Jude' at Sundance

Max Read · 01/27/12 10:51AM

If there are three things I've learned about [people who are attracted to men], it's that they love a) dudes who play guitar, b) dudes who pull off the perfectly-loosened tie and rolled-up sleeves look, and c) dudes who are Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Behold: I bring you all three, in this video from a Sundance event last night. Please watch, swoon, and most importantly, share with all your friends.

How Old Does Google Think You Are?

Max Read · 01/27/12 10:08AM

Here's today's fun internet game: who does Google think you are? Google thinks I am a 65+ year old man, possibly because I am always searching things like "what time does The Good Wife start" and "movies with no violence or sadness in them" and "when will I die." (Google also thinks I am interested in "Arts & Entertainment - Celebrities & Entertainment News." Fair enough.)

Taco Bell Now Offering Morning Meal of Space Food and Semen Nuggets

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/12 10:02AM

Taco Bell is not going to be serving breakfast. That would be gross. Taco Bell is serving First Meal. It's the meal that comes after Fourth Meal. It's a meal that you eat at about the same time that you would eat breakfast, but which bears no resemblance to the "food" that normal humans would consume, for "breakfast." Observe:

Boyfriend to Gaga: 'Be Normal'

Maureen O'Connor · 01/26/12 05:31PM

In Touch: "Lady Gaga‘s boyfriend of six months, Taylor Kinney, has told her to check her alter ego at the door when she's with him… he has no desire to live with a stage act." Why can't she just be normal. God. It's like she wants to be an outcast. Freak.

No One Tell These Rich Kids They're Wasting $100,000 Trying to Be Indie Rock Stars

Max Read · 01/26/12 03:29PM

A round of applause, please, for Abner and Harper Willis, two heartbreakingly earnest brothers from Maine, who have done more to help the economy than anyone we know by spending $109,000 at a variety of American businesses, all in a quest to become indie rock stars. "The School of Rock is expensive," they warn their readers. "Then again, class can be a lot of fun, and some of the homework is pretty cool."