Over Half the Pets That Died On Airplanes Last Year Flew Delta
Caity Weaver · 02/16/12 07:05PMTimes Media Reporter Brian Stelter Reveals Number-One Dating Secret
Max Read · 02/16/12 01:15PM
Those of you who caught the news (revealed, no doubt coincidentally, in two different articles published on the same day) that New York Times media wunderkind Brian Stelter and NY1 traffic reporter Jamie Shupak are dating — and have been for five months, apparently — may be wondering what we wondered this morning when we heard: What is Brian Stelter's romance secret? (Stelter, after all, is known also for wooing CNBC reporter Nicole Lapin.) We emailed to ask, and Brian tells us:
The Top 1% Must Stop Insisting They're Not Rich Right This Instant
Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/12 01:00PMChristian College Full of Lice
Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/12 10:30AMPolitico Mistakes State Flag for Union Flag, Idiocy Ensues
Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/12 09:34AMJon Stewart Explains Mitt Romney's Lack of Authenticity to David Letterman
Matt Toder · 02/16/12 01:35AMJon Stewart swung by Late Night with David Letterman and naturally the topic turned to politics. During the discussion, Stewart explained exactly what it is that the GOP doesn't like about Mitt Romney: he's trying to be Rick Santorum and failing miserably.
Bill Maher on Santorum's Politics: 'He Believes Life Begins at Erection'
Matt Toder · 02/16/12 01:01AMBill Maher stopped by the Tonight Show and bantered about with Jay Leno tonight. Among the topics covered was Maher's take on Rick Santorum and his outdated politics regarding birth control, gay marriage and life in general which included the nugget that "he believes life begins at erection."
2012 Is the Year of the Bible in PA; Previous 2,011 Years Not Years of the Bible
Caity Weaver · 02/16/12 12:11AMJon Stewart Examines Congress' Insider Trading Problem
Matt Toder · 02/15/12 11:44PMOn tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart examined the little problem that Congress has with indulging in insider trading. You know how it goes, you learn some confidential information in a Senate hearing or something and then use that knowledge for your personal financial gain. Hey, it happens all the time. The only problem is that when the regular non-Congress types try do that it is called insider trading and people go to jail. Oh well.
Honduran Prison Fire Kills 350
Caity Weaver · 02/15/12 11:07PMSean Penn Has Opinions; Prince William is a Pirate
Caity Weaver · 02/15/12 09:53PM
There's been a lot of news lately out of the Falkland Islands which, as we all knew without checking Wikipedia, are an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean, located over 250 nautical miles east of the coast of mainland South America. Both Great Britain and Argentina have claimed sovereignty over the Islands since the 1830s, and the two nations fought a ten-week war to defend their claims in 1982. As that conflict's 30th anniversary draws near, international tensions are running high.
Sony Apologizes for Raising Houston Album Prices, Being a Record Label, Basically
Caity Weaver · 02/15/12 07:57PMOccupy Wall Street Plans Fashionable Fashion Week Protest
Adrian Chen · 02/15/12 06:55PMU.S. Army Base's 'Black History Heritage' Meal: Malcolm X, Pig Feet
Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/12 05:20PM
A tipster forwards us this "Black History Heritage Meal" menu from the US Army base in Ft. Bragg, NC: fried chicken, pig feet, ham hocks, collard greens... all the stereotypical foods are represented. The ol' "comedically stereotypical Black History Month menu" is a pretty damn familiar trope of its own, at this point. I'm more impressed by the US Army's open-minded photo montage.
Activities Better for Your Health than Investment Banking
Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/12 04:05PM
Oh-oh, a new study of entry-level investment bankers finds the young masters of the universe afflicted with "insomnia, alcoholism, heart palpitations, eating disorders and an explosive temper." And that's the young ones. Why destroy yourself like that? There are lots of safer activities than investment banking.
Weird Internets: The Branded Facebook World of Bill Hitchert, 'Chief Visionary Officer' of BH Ideas
Max Read · 02/15/12 03:45PMAll Apologies: I Was a Lowdown Prep School Hazer
Drew Magary · 02/15/12 02:15PMTeens Successfully Harass TV Reporter Into Keeping Their Mysterious Boozing Rituals a Secret
Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/12 11:38AMFearless Washington, DC TV reporter Andrea McCarren is fearless enough to take on that most taboo of subjects: kids these days. With the drinking, and the boozing. These teenagers and their drunkenness. But lo: a bunch of drunk teens were too much even for fearless reporter Andrea McCarren.