Sean Hannity Pimps an Exclusive Obama Tape and Jon Stewart Pimps an Exclusive Sean Hannity Tape
Matt Toder · 03/08/12 11:33PMOn his program the other night, Fox News' Sean Hannity pimped a decades old tape of President Obama speaking in support of a controversial Harvard Law professor. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart answered that tape with a tape of his own, showing the fringe lunatics that Hannity associates himself with.
European Chess Competitions To Be Less Sexy With Strict New Cleavage Rules
Danny Gold · 03/08/12 10:53PMEvery Comedian Was Right: Women Are Happy When Men Are Miserable
Caity Weaver · 03/08/12 10:03PMUnarmed Black Teen Gunned Down By Neighborhood Watch Leader After Being Deemed Suspicious
Danny Gold · 03/08/12 09:55PM
Trayvon "Trey" Martin, 17, of Miami was visiting relatives living in a gated community in Sanford, Florida. He had just left a local 7-11 after buying a snack and was on his way home around 7:00 PM on February 26. George Zimmerman, a 26-year-old member of the local neighborhood watch, saw Martin and called police to report a suspicious man in the community. He tailed Martin in his car. He had a loaded pistol on him. The police told Zimmerman they would handle it.
New Jersey Senator Puts the Hobo in Hoboken
Caity Weaver · 03/08/12 08:54PMChild Genius Invents Awesome Monster Trap
Danny Gold · 03/08/12 08:27PMYoung Audri succeeds in inventing a "Rube Goldberg" machine to catch monsters. He also succeeds in making the rest of us feel very, very lazy and unaccomplished.
Alleged Train Wanker Gets Off On Best Defense Ever
Danny Gold · 03/08/12 07:49PMWords You Type With Your Left Hand Suck; Words You Type With Your Right Hand Rock
Caity Weaver · 03/08/12 07:37PMKids These Days Just Keep Smoking Cigarettes
Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/12 02:31PM
Despite the fact that they have been bombarded since birth with public service announcements ranging from grim depictions of throat surgery to "cool" social media campaigns portraying cigarettes as a product consumed only by suckers, kids these days continue to smoke cigarettes, according to the U.S. Surgeon General, who has warned them about this a million times. Kids these days. What's wrong with kids these days?
Do You Care About Killing Cats and Dogs?
Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/12 11:18AMHow to Get Into a Good College Now
Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/12 10:55AM
Not long ago, getting into college involved nothing more than a fair-to-middling G.P.A., an essay about reading to the blind, and your parents' checkbook. Things are a bit more complicated now. College budgets are being slashed. Competition is intense. So intense that kids are starting the "college hunt" in ninth grade. Are you really prepared? You're about to be.
If We Stop Spying on Newark's Muslims 'People Will Die,' Says Lunatic
Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/12 09:47AMStephen Colbert Panics as His 'Countdown to Loving Mitt' Clock Nearly Hits Zero
Matt Toder · 03/08/12 12:44AMIn preparation for last night's Super Tuesday contests, Stephen Colbert had created the 'countdown to loving Mitt' based on the assumption that Romney would be the presumptive nominee after the votes were counted. Since that wasn't the case, on tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen was able to reset the clock but not before panicking in much the same way many Republican voters seem to be panicking.
Does Anyone Recognize These Men Who Drowned in a Storm 150 Years Ago?
Caity Weaver · 03/08/12 12:25AMJon Stewart Recovers From an Inconclusive Super Tuesday
Matt Toder · 03/08/12 12:08AMJon Stewart was promised that Super Tuesday would bring an end to this incredibly long Republican primary season, but that didn't come pass. On tonight's Daily Show, Stewart took out his frustrations on the candidates as well as CNN's Wolf Blitzer.