Unarmed Black Teen Gunned Down By Neighborhood Watch Leader After Being Deemed Suspicious

Trayvon "Trey" Martin, 17, of Miami was visiting relatives living in a gated community in Sanford, Florida. He had just left a local 7-11 after buying a snack and was on his way home around 7:00 PM on February 26. George Zimmerman, a 26-year-old member of the local neighborhood watch, saw Martin and called police to report a suspicious man in the community. He tailed Martin in his car. He had a loaded pistol on him. The police told Zimmerman they would handle it.
For some reason, Zimmerman didn't obey. Minutes later, a number of local residents called police to report a fight. A gunshot was heard. Martin died 70 yards from the house he was staying in. Zimmerman was arrested and then released. He was carrying the pistol legally and has claimed that he was acting in self-defense.
Said Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee Jr. in an interview with the Huffington Post, "For some reason he (Zimmerman) felt that Trayvon, the way that he was walking or appeared seemed suspicious to him."
Ah, yes. The way he was walking and his appearance were deemed "suspicious." Oh, did I forget to mention that Martin is black? And that the gated community, called Retreat at Twin Lakes, is predominantly white?
Martin's parents are demanding the police make an arrest and release the 911 call. They are expected to file a suit in state court on Friday.
"Zimmerman, an adult, had a gun. Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old, had Skittles. No way you can say self-defense," said the family's attorney, Benjamin Crump.
[articles via Huffington Post, WFTV9 and CBS, pic via Black Youth Project]