Oh No—Kourtney Kardashian Is Pregnant Again
Lauri Apple · 11/30/11 06:51AMToday in Police Brutality: 5-Year-Old Cuffed and Charged with Assault
Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 04:33AMMichael Davis is a hyperactive 5-year-old diagnosed with ADHD who frequently gets into fights at school. His mother calls him an "energetic, loving, good kid" who is misunderstood by school administrators at Rio Calaveras Elementary of Stockton, California. They disagree, frequently complaining to his divorced parents that he is a discipline problem. When the school didn't see any improvement, they took matters in their own hands, and invited a police officer to the school to scare Michael straight.
Conan O'Brien's Version of Wolf Blitzer's Herman Cain Interview Way Better Than the Original
Matt Cherette · 11/30/11 04:31AMDuring a commercial break yesterday, Wolf Blitzer received news that a woman was about to allege a 13-year extramarital affair with Herman Cain, who happened to be in a CNN studio with Blitzer at that very time. So as anyone who watches things very closely would do, Blitzer proceeded to ask Cain about the forthcoming allegation. And while the actual interview was entertaining in its own right, it pales in comparison to a version played by Conan O'Brien on Wednesday night's episode of Conan, which you'll find above.
Stephen Colbert Takes on 'Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing' Vodka Billboard
Matt Cherette · 11/30/11 04:09AMLast week, a billboard touting Wodka brand vodka's winning combination of "Christmas Quality" and "Hanukkah Pricing" appeared over Manhattan, only to be taken down less than 24 hours later. On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert went the unexpected route and actually decried the advertisement's offensiveness—but not for the reasons you'd expect.
The Worst Tree-Trimming Party in History
Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 03:20AMChristmastime is here — the most wonderful time of the fourth-quarter of the year! String up the lights! Set up the Robot Santa! Invite your third grade students to your house to trim your tree, and make them wear bras and panties, and videotape them doing it! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Do NOT do that. Definitely do not do that.
Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger Shoves Foot in Mouth Yet Again
Matt Cherette · 11/30/11 03:08AMRemember when romance-defiling reality hag Patti Stanger went on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live and suggested all gay men were undesirably effeminate sluts fraught with disease and incapable of monogamy? How about when she then lied to Joy Behar about her remarks while simultaneously making even worse ones? If so, you'll be happy to know that Stanger finally issued a proper, well thought-out apology to Andy Cohen on tonight's Millionaire Matchmaker reunion show.
Occupy LA is Toast Just As Soon As That Helicopter's Light Goes Off
Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 02:20AMAnn Coulter Clarifies Her Bleeped John McCain Insult: 'I Said Dickweed'
Matt Cherette · 11/30/11 02:15AMAnn Coulter was bleeped for 13 seconds on Tuesday's Morning Joe after calling John McCain a douchebag. Or so we thought! Because in an interview with Joy Behar tonight, Coulter explained that she actually called McCain a "dickweed." Coulter then launched into a rant bemoaning HLN's obsession with "that white trash bimbo" Casey Anthony for good measure. Balance!
Anders Behring Breivik Will Likely Avoid Prison
Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 02:02AMJon Stewart Rips Herman Cain Over Latest Sex Allegations
Matt Cherette · 11/30/11 01:48AMYesterday, a woman named Ginger White came forward alleging a 13-year extramarital affair with Herman Cain, a charge Cain flatly denied (while warning us of its imminence) in an interview with Wolf Blitzer. After praising him for finally having a consensual sex-related scandal on tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart proceeded to poke hole after hole in Cain's weak and improbable denial.
Tonight on NBC Nightly News: A Very Persistent Fire Alarm
Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 01:22AMPoor Brian Williams. His valiant attempts at delivering a report about American Airlines' bankruptcy filing on NBC Nightly News were stymied by a fire alarm that would. Not. End.
A Sculptural Installation That Forecasts the Weather (Oh, and Death)
Fast Company · 11/29/11 10:30PM"I'm not afraid of death," Woody Allen famously said. "I just don't want to be there when it happens." Of course, that's the one experience we all get to share, and artists of all stripes have offered their commentary on life's impermanence. To wit: Mathieu Lehanneur, whose "Tomorrow Is Another Day" is a weather-station terminal that projects a video image of tomorrow's forecast, allowing the viewer to jump ahead in time.
The Most Humiliating Newspaper Ever Invented
Ryan Tate · 11/29/11 09:08PMHero Marine Sues Defense Giant After Sniper Scope Fight
Wired · 11/29/11 07:30PMMarine Sgt. Dakota Meyer is perhaps this country's best-recognized war hero, a man who risked his life over and over again to save his buddies from a Taliban ambush. That's why he's the only living Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor - the nation's highest award for valor - for his actions in Afghanistan or Iraq. It's undoubtedly one reason why the defense giant BAE Systems hired Meyer after he left the Corps.
Comment of the Day: An Explanation of the Inside Jobs
Leah Beckmann · 11/29/11 06:45PMToday we learned a thing or two about the big shots on Wall Street and the big shot secrets they tote around with them. For the vast majority of us—some percentage I can't quite put my 99 fingers on—Wall Street is a big ol' bubbling vat of green mysteries. One commenter gives us a pretty good look inside the life of a Dub-Streeter (and you're welcome because that is a label that will certainly catch and spread like wild fire).
Bruce Willis Is Selling His Idaho Cavern In the Woods
Leah Beckmann · 11/29/11 06:30PMThe Willis-Moore-Kutcher empire is quickly disintegrating. Granted Ashton Kutcher has little to do with the sprawling 8,403 square feet Idaho home once owned by Demi and Bruce, but he stayed there once or twice. So, I don't know. Bruce always seemed like a "what's mine is yours" kind of guy to me and this is just one more sign of the times, yet another end of an era.