Christmastime is here — the most wonderful time of the fourth-quarter of the year! String up the lights! Set up the Robot Santa! Invite your third grade students to your house to trim your tree, and make them wear bras and panties, and videotape them doing it! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Do NOT do that. Definitely do not do that.

Kimberly Crain (pictured), an Oklahoma elementary school teacher, did, and is currently the target of a police investigation. Earlier this month, a student of Crain's told their parent that they had been invited to Crain's home for "a pizza party" in which "they dressed up in bras and panties and decorated the tree and ate pizza."

From The Smoking Gun:

Crain told the girls that, "she had something for them to change into" at her home. The bras and panties—imprinted with phrases like "Ho! Ho!"—were on a bed, and "Crain had all of the girls into the bedroom, one by one, and change into the bras and panties."

Two girls did not want to change into the bras, so they just wore a t-shirt with the panties, according to the affidavit. But "Crain told them that they needed to go put the bras on," police reported.

Also to emerge in the affidavit: Crain "takes photos of particular girls in the class, posing on the desk and chairs, using her personal cell phone," and has "all the kids in her class Skype over the computer with an older man wearing glasses named ‘Uncle G.'"

He's a mean one, Uncle G. [Photo of tree via Shutterstock]