A Brief Guide to Conservatives Freaking Out over Newt Gingrich
Jim Newell · 12/09/11 01:15PMIt did not seem possible that Newt Gingrich, star of the biggest political flameout of the 1990s, would find himself weeks away from the 2012 Republican presidential nominating contests and leading by double-digits in both national polls and three of the four early primary states. But thank Allah he is! Go Newt! This is the best thing that's ever happened. Now let's watch some elite conservatives pundits squirm.
Sinead O'Connor's Wildly Inappropriate Wedding Announcement
Brian Moylan · 12/09/11 01:01PMOccupy Wall Street Occupies Law and Order Occupy Wall Street Set
Adrian Chen · 12/09/11 12:30PMDon't Freak Out About Tonight's Enormous, Blood-Red Moon
Max Read · 12/09/11 11:43AMSo, if you wake up early tomorrow morning and the moon looks, like, enormous? And is blood red? Don't worry! It's not because the elder gods have returned to exact their brutal form of justice upon humankind.
Keanu Reeves Suddenly Praised For Small Good Deed He Did Four Months Ago
Adrian Chen · 12/09/11 11:25AMIn August, Keanu Reeves gave his seat in the subway up to some lady with a bag. Now the internet is awash in praise.
If Your Man Stinks, He Might Have an STD
Brian Moylan · 12/09/11 11:15AMThe Saddest Woman Ever to Fail to Cook Meth in a Walmart
Maureen O'Connor · 12/09/11 10:54AMHere's your bleak and/or infuriating tale of mortally dangerous desperation of the day: Tulsa police arrested a woman for attempting to make meth inside a Walmart store yesterday. Elizabeth Elisha Halfmoon was in the store for six hours. When police finally noticed her, she was "mixing sulfuric acid with starter fluid in a bottle."
The Year's Best Weird Internet Video Gets Its Viral Payoff
Max Read · 12/09/11 10:13AMAt the end of September, a video of a girl dancing, sword in hand, to electronic music, while an old woman and dog looked on, appeared on YouTube. There was no description, no context, no followup marketing campaign; it wasn't a music video; it wasn't a comedy sketch. No one could figure it out. Who were the kids? What was the point? Was it fake? Was it real? And what would that even mean?
Laughably Mild Sex Story Torments the Very Soul of Yeshiva University
Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/11 09:54AMSinead O'Connor Got Married in Vegas in a Pink Cadillac
Brian Moylan · 12/09/11 09:45AMWhich Actress Broke Up with Two Guys Because a Psychic Told Her To?
Brian Moylan · 12/09/11 09:30AMDemocrats to Legalize Military Dog Fucking
Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/11 09:11AMCongratulations, America: you've gotten what you wished for. You elected Barack "Hussein" Obama as commander in chief. He quickly allowed homosexuals to serve as proud members of the US Armed Forces, standing buttock-to-buttock in foxholes next to normal young American boys. (After the war is over, they can marry, now.) It was only a matter of time before our fighting men were encouraged to start fucking dogs.
Girl Freaks Out on People for Breathing Loudly in CSUN Library
Matt Cherette · 12/09/11 08:10AMThe above video depicts a female student having a meltdown in the library at Cal State Northridge on Tuesday. Despite several reports to the contrary, the video was recorded and first posted to Facebook by a CSUN student named Ashley Monroe, who claimed in comments below it that the altercation began after the girl demanded others in the library "not breathe loud[ly]."
Stephen Colbert Defends Rick Perry's Anti-Gay Campaign Ad
Matt Cherette · 12/09/11 05:48AMRick Perry released a new campaign ad on Wednesday in an attempt to drum up support from religious conservatives, but instead found himself under fire for saying, "You know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas" in it. And while it's hard to imagine any defense of the ad being a good one, Stephen Colbert gave it his best shot on Thursday's Report.
Jon Stewart Mocks Republican Candidates for Sucking Up to Jews
Matt Cherette · 12/09/11 04:51AMThe Republican Jewish Coalition 2012 Presidential Candidates Forum was held on Tuesday in Washington, DC. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart described the forum as a holiday celebrating "the miracle of incredibly Christian presidential candidates fighting over who loves Jews more" before ranking each one based on how much—and how shamelessly—they managed to suck up to Israel.
Watch the X Factor Audience Revolt Against Nicole Scherzinger
Matt Cherette · 12/09/11 04:40AMRather than feel personally responsible for sending someone home on tonight's X Factor, judge Nicole Scherzinger cast a vote against 13-year-old fan favorite Rachel Crow in order to force a deadlock. Viewer votes were then used to break the tie, and—shockingly—a sobbing Rachel was eliminated, sending the audience into the anti-Scherzinger fury you'll see in the above video.
Even Rick Perry Staffer Agrees that Anti-Gay Ad Is 'Nuts'
TPM · 12/08/11 09:00PMRick Perry's gay-baiting Iowa ad didn't just anger human rights activists, gay service members, and gay Republicans. It roiled some of the people who work for him.