
Every Time You Wear Bamboo Clothing, a Dolphin Dies

Ravi Somaiya · 11/12/09 06:36AM

Supposedly eco-friendly cloth made from bamboo is in fact evil and made with toxic chemicals and you might as well wear panda-hide while driving a Humvee and shooting rockets at pretty little birdies.

I Love the 1890s

Adrian Chen · 11/11/09 11:48PM

So it appears that fashion went directly from the 1990s to the 1890s in a single season. (We were in the 1990s last, right? I can never tell!) According to this Times fashion piece, Victorian style is hot hot hot:

Frugality Is the New...Hey, Stocks Are Back!

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/09 03:38PM

The Way We Live Now: Frugally. Frugality is the new "Buzzword," for both rich and poor! It makes rich people sound good, and for poor people...well, it's necessary, really. Doesn't mean you can't be fabulous, though! The rich, we mean.

The Kids Aren't Alright: Your Prom King Is Wearing A Dress

Foster Kamer · 11/08/09 09:30PM

Every six weeks, someone comes out with big, exasperated "sigh, kids these days" issue piece about the changing makeup of America's Youth. Today, it's actually about the makeup! And the kind of boys who wear it and girls that don't.

Spanx: Still Lurking Out There

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/09 12:48PM

Women across America continue to wear "Spanx" and "Spanx"-like undergarments despite the fact that "Spanx" are clearly evil, most especially for the women wearing them, and whoever may be around when it's time for them to shed their "Spanx."

Isaac Does Dessert

cityfile · 11/05/09 11:26AM

Isaac Mizrahi will making his debut on QVC next month where he'll be selling everything from t-shirts to berets to... tartan-decorated cheesecakes? Oh, yes, a version of the cake from Junior's in Brooklyn and featuring a "Mizrahi-mandated chocolate cookie crust," will be on sale, too. [WWD]

DVF Getting the Hang of This Twitter Thing

cityfile · 11/03/09 11:19AM

Last week, designer Diane von Furstenberg took to Twitter to announce she'd been robbed in Madrid. It turns out she wasn't robbed exactly. "I got pickpocketed. No one attacked me," she clarified to a reporter at the ACE Awards last night. And don't be surprised if she soon abandons Twitter. "I don't want to give a bad rap to Madrid, but it was annoying, and I had the stupid idea of tweeting it, and then the whole world knew about it." [NYM, previously]

Marc Jacobs TV: Unlikely

cityfile · 10/30/09 10:04AM

Marc Jacobs isn't doing a reality show for Logo, as we reported a few weeks ago. But he hasn't closed the door to doing a TV program of some sort, provided the perfect opportunity came along. But it probably wouldn't fall into the reality genre. "Well, I really would just want it to be a really great project, not just another reality show," he tells The Cut. "Not that there's anything wrong with them, but, for me, there's nothing really exciting about doing another anything, you know?" Also? He's never see the Real Housewives, but has seen a couple of episodes of The Rachel Zoe Project "because she's my friend." [The Cut]

Fashion's Night Out Will Now Be an Annual Tradition

cityfile · 10/29/09 08:44AM

Fashion's Night Out, last month's "largest single shopping event in the city's history," may not have actually involved all that much shopping. But it did get people to actually step into stores (which was a nice change of pace), and did provide the city's beleaguered retail industry with a psychic boost. So perhaps it's no surprise that the city and FNO czar Anna Wintour announced today that the event will return once again next year. If you're particularly excited by this news, head over to the official Fashion's Night Out website. The site now sports a clock so you can count down the days, minutes and seconds to September 9, 2010. [WWD, previously]

The Downfall of Marc Ecko

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/09 10:19AM

In one way, Marc Ecko's a role model: He started with style and a dream and made it to the top of pop fashion. In a more accurate way, Marc Ecko is a walking "What Not to Do" guide.

Marc Ecko Catches a Break

cityfile · 10/27/09 11:26AM

"Urbanwear" designer Marc Ecko has been on the brink of ruin for many months now. He had to sell off parts of his company to stay afloat, he put his ridiculously over-the-top office/gymnasium in Chelsea up for lease, and his 30,000-square-foot castle in New Jersey was hit with several liens after he had trouble coming up with the cash to finish $21 million worth of renovations. But Ecko has been tossed a life preserver. The apparel company Iconix has announced it's taking a majority stake in Ecko's company. He won't have to worry about going bust any longer, and his line of streetwear will finally be united with its spiritual cousin, Rocawear. Everyone wins! [Crain's]

Fashion Magazines Make You Sad

cityfile · 10/26/09 01:38PM

Ever find yourself feeling a little depressed after leafing through the latest issue of Vogue? You're not the only one. According to new research, women with normal body-mass indexes demonstrated lower self-esteem after they were shown a series of photos of very thin models. The cure: Go look at a bunch of photos of very fat women and your self-esteem should be back where it was in no time. [NYT]