So it appears that fashion went directly from the 1990s to the 1890s in a single season. (We were in the 1990s last, right? I can never tell!) According to this Times fashion piece, Victorian style is hot hot hot:

Not only are men scooping up old-timey hunting and fishing wear—even bowlers!—but women are doing everything short of dusting off their whale bone corsets to get into the 19th century mode. Ye Olde Times:

This flamboyance is part of a curious new movement called Tweed Rides, informal gatherings of spiffily dressed ladies and gents cycling leisurely through town and disdaining finish lines. Tweed Rides began in London earlier this year and have spread this fall to Boston, San Francisco and Chicago. As the directions for this weekend's Tweed Ride in Washington, D.C., put it: "Leave the fleece, Lycra and outer shell at home. This ride is for the dandy.

First one to spot a monocle this winter wins $100.