
We're Offering $50 for Unretouched Images of Adam Driver in Vogue

Rich Juzwiak · 01/16/14 05:10PM

Five months ago, Vogue released a pictorial featuring none other than Adam Driver, one of the stars of Girls. The images were, all in all, quite nice. He wore a live sheep around his shoulders and looked fantastic. As if Vogue would have it any other way.

Sport Coats and Jeans: Not Okay

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/13 11:21AM

Men wearing sport coats and jeans: no. You want to be formal? Fine, wear a sport coat. You want to be casual? Fine, wear jeans. Pick one, and stand by your choice—Like A Real Man.

Oh God Chinese Couples What Are You Doing

Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/13 09:04AM

In this wide world of ours, cultural practices are as diverse as colors in the rainbow. Only the ignorant imperialists believe that they are equipped to judge unfamiliar foreign cultures. Still, we feel comfortable in saying: Chinese couples, do not wear matching outfits. There is no happy ending to this story.

Just Some Fashionable Animals from an Alternate Universe

Maggie Lange · 08/23/13 01:58PM

Miguel Vallinas, a photographer based in Madrid, created a marvelous mix of fashion photography and animal close-ups, so that all wondrous creatures of the earth can wear the trendiest attire, and they wear it so much better than you. It's like an alternate universe with swans, gazelles, deers, and donkeys looking all elegant and judgey. Scroll down to gaze upon the most fashionable animals on the planet, starting with the distraught swan who realized that a turtleneck was a childish choice.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/07/13 12:46PM

Sombreros and bicycle helmets, together at last.

Wear Your Shorts Proudly, Men

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/13 03:55PM

Now that we have officially entered the "hot as hell" portion of the year, it's time for a certain type of elitist East Coast male to begin his annual smear campaign targeted at the wearing of shorts by men. Who will be brave enough to stand up for the righteousness of the shorts-wearing man? We will.

Cord Jefferson · 07/15/13 12:39PM

Through a collaboration with fashion label APC, rapper Kanye West is selling a $120 white t-shirt dubbed simply the "hip hop t-shirt." It's a nice slap in the face for anyone who doesn't already think hip hop is being slowly choked to death by millionaires.