
Peter Attempts to Spend Family Time on Family Guy

Zach Mack · 04/12/10 11:44AM

Just like Peter showed us on Family Guy last night, parents these days will do anything to foster better relationships with their kids. I don't remember my dad ever whipping out crystal meth, but hey, to each his own.

Fat Guys with Hot Wives: A TV Timeline

Kristina Lucarelli · 03/30/10 12:00PM

In real life, fat guys never get the girl. Duh. But real life be damned! In TV land, anything is possible...including being a fat slob and still having a sexy and sometimes submissive wife. These are those lucky men.

What Does Your Adult Cartoon Say About You?

Brian Moylan · 01/14/10 10:20AM

Tonight FX launches Archer, the latest animated concoction meant to amuse men people far too old to be watching cartoons. All these shows seem the same, but there are really subtle shades of difference that reveal much about their audience.

Is The Simpsons Not Allowed to Be Mean to Family Guy?

Richard Lawson · 01/11/10 02:46PM

The Simpsons celebrated its 20th anniversary last night, closing a new episode with a thank you note to fans. But was a one-line jab at their competition—"Now stay tuned for three Seth MacFarlane shows."—omitted from the broadcast?

Seth Macfarlane's Failed Pilot: The Family Guy That Wasn't

Anderson Evans · 12/29/09 01:00PM

Did you know in 1996 Seth Macfarlane made a pilot for Cartoon Network called Larry and Steve? It happened. Peter, Brian, and Quagmire were all a part of the show as slightly askew versions of their present selves.

Check it out, it's a Family Guy made just for twelve year olds and people that like animated pratfalls more than bizarre sexual innuendo based on eighties primetime.

Pulled Windows 7 Ads Featuring Family Guy Leaked

Richard Blakeley · 12/01/09 03:44PM

Microsoft recently made Microsoft 7 promotional videos with Family Guy and then at the last second decided to pull them off of television. However they have now leaked them onto a YouTube channel for your viewing enjoyment.