
Other People's Facebook Photos of You Are the Worst

Adrian Chen · 01/05/12 12:10PM

Call it the Facebook Photo Paradox: People are never as good-looking as they appear in their Facebook profile pic. But they're never as ugly as they appear in other people's Facebook pictures of them. Why do other people's Facebook photos of you suck so much?

10 Tips to Survive Your Office Holiday Party

Brian Moylan · 12/05/11 05:10PM

Sure, lots of people are cutting back and not throwing extravagant bashes for Christmas and those other winter events this year, but almost every company is going to have some sort of Holiday Party. Here are some rules to get you through yours and not get you fired.

Your New York City Subway Survival Guide

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 03:43PM

In its infinite wisdom, the New York City Transit system has decided to stop shutting down the subways for repairs every weekend, and start shutting down the subways for repairs every weeknight. How will this affect you, the straphanger, and the "new breed" of trained subway thieves that prowl the trains to prey on you? Allow us to help you make sense of the new, improved New York Subway system.

Whose Facebook Friend Requests Should You Accept?

Brian Moylan · 11/07/11 05:14PM

I've seen two things on the internet today about whether or not people should accept friend requests from certain people. I thought this was an easy decision, but the cowed internet legions out there have turned it into an existential question that needs input from French philosophers. So, here's a handy guide on whether or not to hit "Confirm" or "Not Now."

How to Use Your Cell Phone on the Subway

Brian Moylan · 09/22/11 03:58PM

Starting on Tuesday, cell phones will get reception at six subway stations on 14th Street, thereby ending the sweet, sweet silence on NYC's platforms. But just because you can use your phone doesn't mean you should. Here are some rules.

Is It Okay to Use Coupons on a Date?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/11 11:40AM

In our ongoing quest to be servicey and fill the maddening expanse of open pixels with something—anything—that might be useful to you, the reader, it's time for another edition of "Advice questions, reconsidered." Today: coupons! Dating! Cheapness! Sexxx!

Peeing in Courtroom Trash Cans Isn't Advisable

Lauri Apple · 09/04/11 04:29PM

Looking for ways to make your upcoming criminal trial more memorable for everyone involved? Urinating into a courtroom trash can while the judge and various spectators are present is one way to achieve results, as one Texas teen recently demonstrated.

Fake Trend: People Are Ruder These Days

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/11 10:44AM

Doesn't it seem like people are rude these days? It's totally not your imagination. Nor is it a simple garden-variety example of the human tendency to fallaciously generalize our own mundane experiences out onto the world at large. Not at all. It's a completely true trend, according to an official-sounding survey thing!

This May Be the Most Annoying Online Dating Break-Up Email Ever

Brian Moylan · 07/07/11 03:05PM

No matter what site you use, online dating can be absolutely horrible. Sure, some people find their match on but more often than not, the people you meet are crazy, critical jerks who have you running for the door within minutes. Let's look at one horrible email from an online relationship gone sour.

Guy Might Shoot You for Standing in Line 'Wrong'

Lauri Apple · 07/02/11 10:56AM

Perry Frasier does not tolerate poor standing-in-line skills. At a post office in Jacksonville, Florida, on Thursday, he allegedly began arguing with another man who was "standing slightly off-center" of the customer service line, because nobody fucks with Perry Frasier's sensibilities.

Meddling Mother-In-Law Sends World's Bitchiest Email About Manners

Brian Moylan · 06/30/11 01:44PM

Over in the U.K. they like to stand by their traditions and do things a certain way. That still doesn't excuse Carolyn Bourne from sending an overly bitchy email to her future daughter-in-law, Heidi Withers, about her "rude behavior." Who is ruder here?

A Gay Marriage Etiquette Guide

Brian Moylan · 06/27/11 05:08PM

Gay New Yorkers can now get married. That's great news, of course, but let's not forget that there is no bigger logistical or etiquette nightmare on this planet than planning a wedding. Since the traditional roles for a male-female wedding go out the window for gay nuptials, here are some ground rules an suggestions to get you started.

Quit Looking at My Computer Screen

Remy Stern · 06/24/11 01:42PM

On my flight Tuesday, the dude sitting next to me was staring at my laptop the entire time. Look, I know the middle seat sucks. And true, Gulliver's Travels is a great flick. But knock it off! [Gizmodo]

How to Get a Bear to Leave Your Hot Tub

Lauri Apple · 06/09/11 02:13AM

Last Friday evening, this black bear trespassed onto the property of Floridian Jenny Rhoades, then got into her hot tub without asking for permission. Whoa, arrogant.

How to Text at the Movies

Remy Stern · 06/08/11 11:30PM

The taboo against talking on your phone during movies is at this point about as socially established as our rules against eating each other alive, socks with sandals, or marrying our parents. But what about movie texting? Let's explore. [Gizmodo]

Woman Facing Sixth DUI Shows up to Court Drunk

Lauri Apple · 06/05/11 04:47PM

If you've already been convicted of drunk driving a bunch of times, you might consider showing up to court sober? Sobriety impresses judges! Then again, you can also take the road chosen by Sandra Uher of Elgin, Illinois and try to impress the judge with your commitment to drunkenness.

How to Survive the Modern Day Breakup

Remy Stern · 06/01/11 07:41PM

Breaking up sucks. It's painful, complicated, and makes you listen to sad MP3s. And technology-Facebook, texting, email-only makes things more complicated. So how do you navigate 21st-century heartbreak? We talked to some experts to find out. [Gizmodo]