
Etiquette Lessons We All Need to Learn

Brian Moylan · 05/14/11 12:27PM

This is the end of National Etiquette Week. Did everyone use the right fork when they were at dinner last night? Glad to hear it. But there are still a few matters that we need to clear up.

Self-Help Guru Politely Informs People He's Deleting Their Emails Without Reading Them

Adrian Chen · 03/26/11 03:52PM

Tim Ferriss, the self-help guru behind the '4-hour Workweek', is a god to bros who dream of fashioning themselves into blisteringly efficient Web 2.0 business robots just like him. Ferriss' obsession with self-improvement means that the way he deals with people who aren't himself is to basically be as big of an asshole as possible in the service of his own quest for perfection. So it's no surprise that his solution to an overflowing inbox is as considerate as a 120-pound kettleball to the nuts.

John Boehner Sends Staffer to Hoity Toity Etiquette School

Jim Newell · 03/10/11 04:41PM

In case you've forgotten, the Republicans control the House of Representatives now. Yes, the American one! But do they remember how to greet foreign dignitaries and other fancy people after their four-year exile in power? Not really, so John Boehner had to send a staffer to etiquette school.

Let's All Agree to Ignore Mistaken Sexy IMs

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/11 12:40PM

We don't usually involve ourselves with questions sent to advice columnists, since the advice columnist genre is all used up. But as a public service, we feel compelled to address the matter of Handling Mistaken Sexy Instant Messages.

How to Talk About the Weather

Brian Moylan · 01/24/11 04:06PM

It's cold as hell in the Northeast today, and it's been a crazy winter pretty much everywhere. This means we're spending a lot of time talking about the weather. How can you do it without sounding like a hackneyed idiot?

How to Start a Letter

Max Read · 01/06/11 04:07AM

According to The Wall Street Journal, no one uses "dear" as a salutation when writing emails, because it is "girlie." This makes writing email so confusing! Luckily, we're here to help, with a guide to letter-writing in the 21st century.

The Rules for Wearing Flip-Flops

Brian Moylan · 01/05/11 03:31PM

Everyone is in a tizzy because Barack Obama dared to wear flip-flops while on vacation. Really? Just so there's never confusion on this matter again, we're going to break down the rules for when it's appropriate to wear them.

How to Talk About Anything on Thanksgiving

Brian Moylan · 11/25/10 04:15PM

Most Americans spend Thanksgiving with their families. That's great, except sometimes the conversation can be strained, awkward, or downright contentious. Here's how to keep the peace and have something to talk about until the pumpkin pie is served.

The Great Starbucks Bagel Grammar Foofaraw

Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/10 08:49AM

Have you ever gone into a Starbucks and cursed their fake "Venti, Grande" size names? Sure. Gimme a "Large," amirite? And have you ever had police remove you from Starbucks for arguing about bagel-related grammar? Anyone? One lady has!

Nurses Are Whispering About You on Facebook

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/10 10:38AM

Nurses: can you trust them? Of course not. Don't be a fool. Sure, they may save your life; but if you think they're not going to gossip about you on Facebook afterwards, you're naive. It's been documented!

The Subway Etiquette Hero Gets a Short Film

Brian Moylan · 07/07/10 03:50PM

Shells is just like a graffiti artist: "borrowing" someone else style, coopting it as his own, and posting it illegally. So why is this new movie by Bablegum and something called WBP Labs seem like the sort of bland public service movie that your seventh grade social studies teacher would show you and that's supposed to be edgy and talk to "da kidz," but is really just the same old morality play? Don't get us wrong, we want to keep people from clipping their nails, eating, preaching, and doing other horrible things on the subway too—remember, people, only you can prevent subway horror stories—but this lame little clip doesn't do his project justice. Seriously, Jay, you deserve better.