
Sergey and Larry's Google jet, mapped

Nick Douglas · 07/07/06 12:29PM

Anyone who walks onto the personal jet of the Google co-founders will need a map, and how kind of the Wall Street Journal to provide one (no subscription needed)! (I labeled it so no one accidentally walks into Larry Page's room when they meant to jump on Sergey Brin's California king-size bed.)

The Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle

Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PM

BusinessWeek's hype-killing article on Google's product line has everyone buzzing about the company's product cycle. Guest writer Garry Bibb explains the process — it all starts with a Battlestar Galactica marathon and some Mike's Hard Lemonade.

OMG BFF! A field guide to tech mogul buddies

Nick Douglas · 06/27/06 09:02PM

When the New York Times (and every other media outlet — good job, Buffett's PR firm!) went on and on about Warren Buffett's $31-billion donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and how Buffett and Gates are such good pals, it seemed fair to point out other tech mogul buddies like the heads of Apple, Oracle, and Google — and to diagram them in this handy guide.

GOOG rises every time the CEO pulls out

Nick Douglas · 06/02/06 04:00PM

As stockholders keep chipping away at Google's billions (the stock hovered around $380 today, down from a January high of $475.11), the head honchos keep shedding shares from their portfolios. CEO Eric Schmidt bit off a $24 million chunk yesterday, just before the price popped up about ten bucks a share. Meanwhile, Larry Page dumped $148 million in stock last month, while stalwart Sergey Brin didn't drop a penny.

Twas the year before Google (or, A Visit from Saint Moneybags)

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 09:00AM

Like a mattress store desperate for another sale week, we're holding Christmas in May, thanks to this reader-submitted holiday poem about Larry and Sergey coming to town (On Mayer! On Schmidtty! On Vint Cerf and Blitzen!). Eight witty stanzas after the jump — so click through that mofo.

Guest post: Larry, Mari, Sergey, and Eri make their own Google gossip

Nick Douglas · 05/17/06 04:36PM

Are the public faces of Google all wagging the dog by seeding their own gossip? One reader says the Google soap opera is scripted. But watch where you step in this sticky conspiracy theory — sprinkle some "sic"s and "alleged"s in there. Before the jump, the theorist gives the mounting evidence. After the jump, their theories.

Sun's Scott McNealy joins the So Out Club

ndouglas · 04/21/06 03:57PM

Closer and closer sources confirm the persistent rumor that Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy will bow out. The old softie can't handle the pressure to fire workers — he never did like to lay off staff — according to the San Jose Mercury News. And he'll always have a spot open as chairman.

Eric Schmidt learning not to be spontaneous

ndouglas · 04/19/06 11:37AM

Long before he became Google CEO, Eric Schmidt had trouble speaking to large groups. So he took a speaking course — which is on video and now, well, on Google Video.

"Putting the 'We' in Web": Newsweek gets it!

ndouglas · 03/28/06 01:01PM

About this Newsweek cover story — can we all share a moment of glee? Newsweek really gets the new web! Writers Steven Levy and Brad Stone score major points for:

San Francisco needs more billionaires

ndouglas · 03/10/06 10:39AM

It's like a party with an open candy store: Forbes published its whopping 793-member billionaire list, with all the maps, photos, and self-congratulatory interviews such an event requires. Above is a map of billionaires in the U.S. (the world is viewable here but why do you care about anything outside the Valley), which shows San Francisco as third behind New York and L.A. That's no good.

What does Eric do all day?

ndouglas · 02/24/06 06:26PM

So the "Eric's part of the band" spin at Google isn't catching on with every news outlet. WebProNews asks about co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, "When they're playing with Legos, who's running Google? Some speculate it ain't Eric Schmidt."