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Two highlights from Google's Analyst Day (which always goes better than Press Day, natch):

When it comes to tough challenges of his decisions in China, Google co-founder Sergey Brin keeps an air of poise and maturity. Amnesty International member Anthony Cruz criticized Google and Sergey asked what he used instead.

"I use Yahoo," Cruz responded.

"You mean the one that has been censoring since the '90s and recently caused a number of journalists to go to prison?'" Brin asked in amazement.

Fair enough, Brin. But hey, Yahoo's allowed to be evil, Mr. "Let's make a pompous little corporate slogan!"


Shareholders voted down a proposal...that could have reduced the influence now held by Brin, Schmidt and co-founder Larry Page, who control two-thirds of the voting stock.

Tip for people wresting power from company founders: You can't take their majority voting ability through a majority vote.

Why Google hasn't split stock [Mercury News]