
All the Available Literary Men

Pareene · 04/10/08 04:25PM

Highbrow pink newspaper the New York Observer—home to Gawker employees past, and probably future—launched their fancy new book review section, "O.R.B." (guess what it stands for) with a review of Keith Gessen's book, a profile by Leon Neyfakh, and a Joshua David Stein review. Which means that nearly all the names on the front page of the section belong to people who have, at one time or another, dated former Gawker editor Emily Gould. There are only like ten people who write things in New York, you see. This is like a nightmare we used to have! Click to enlarge the section, with names helpfully circled by a stalky anonymous tipster.

Exciting MediaBistro/Gawker Alum News!

Pareene · 04/03/08 05:08PM

We're not the only ones with a fancy new office! MediaBistro is, we hear from sources close to the listings site and blog concern, moving up to 33rd and Park, which is on the Upper East Side or something, right? Should be a fun commute! FishbowlNY editor Neal Ungerleider won't have to make it, though, as his last day at the site is tomorrow. But! Former Gawker editor Emily Gould is now a contributing editor at MediaBistro publishing site GalleyCat! Busy, busy, busy.

Keith Gessen Will Be Sad

Nick Denton · 03/07/08 03:48PM

Okay, maybe it was wrong to imply that dating a blogger was useful for an ambitious novelist with a book to market. Literary hearthrob Keith Gessen, author of All the Sad Young Literary Men and editor of n+1 magazine, was to have featured prominently in an upcoming feature on Russian-American writers. But that was before editors at super-hip Russia! magazine discovered that the article's author, Gawker alumus Emily Gould, was romantically involved with her subject. Reports a spy: "One funny side effect of yesterday's item about the Gould-Gessen romance: RUSSIA! mag, where Gould has a big feature on "young Russian-American writers" in the next issue (closing this week), is furiously scrubbing the story of all mentions of Keith Gessen. Which were, of course, numerous, laudatory and unencumbered with disclaimers." After the jump, a passage from the draft.

How This Generation's Most Important Writer Found His Muse

Nick Denton · 03/06/08 01:06PM

No doubt this post will catch grief because it breaks an unspoken rule: speak no ill of a former Gawker writer. But it's a good yarn, of the romantic and professional entanglement of New York's literary and media networks, so fuck it. Enfant terrible of the city's literary set, Keith Gessen of n+1 magazine, has lost one of his acolytes. The desperately highbrow writer's former intern, Leon Neyfakh of the New York Observer, was commissioned to write a piece about his mentor's new work, All the Sad Young Literary Men. Neyfakh's thesis, that galleys of Gessen's first novel have been snapped up by other young writers searching for themselves in the characters, may yet make it into print. But the Observer reporter is unlikely to remain so devoted a promoter. Gessen's novel, which is published in April, is a black comedy centering around the romantic and literary ambitions of three young writers. Fact mirrors fiction: in an improbable twist that could have jumped out of the pages of his novel, the n+1 editor has stolen his devoted follower's girlfriend. And she's a familiar figure.

Media Jews Violate Kosher At Spotted Pig

Nick Denton · 02/25/08 08:25PM

Pictured here, New York's Adam Moss, host of the Oscars party the magazine threw at the Spotted Pig, before ab-obsessed Dave Zinczenko unbuttoned his shirt. Moss, who used to run New York Times' Sunday magazine, is one of the most high-minded of modern editors. Which makes the magazine's web triumph last week all the more disturbing. New York claims 20m pageviews per day for the arty nudes it ran of drunken starlet, Lindsay Lohan. (Yes, jealous.) Moss says the traffic is "addictive". He's joking, for the moment. But wait. (In this week's New York sex diaries, an S&M-loving comedian.) After the jump, lovingly photographed by Gawker's Nikola Tamindzic: Emily Gould; Julia Allison; Alan Cumming and other British luvvies' media gays displaying affection; "Smash" from Friday Night Lights; Marlo's enforcer from cult HBO show, The Wire; and Jews eating piglet.

"You're going to get burned"

Nick Denton · 02/13/08 05:31PM

As you know, Julia Allison, the Time Out dating columnist, is providing free advice at the Dunkin' Donuts Toast Tent in Herald Square. (Hurry!) For a young student-reporter she dispensed the following wisdom: "What goes around comes around! If you know, you're going to write down, say stuff about people, you... and you choose to write about your relationship publicly. You're going to get burned. I think it's in general a horrible idea. Aside from changing our Facebook status from single to attached, that is just about as far as you should go." (Click the thumb for the scratchy audio. Yes, the student-reporter was a Gawker spy.) The compulsive fameball forgot to mention that she knows the perils of self-publishing from personal experience. By blogging every turn of her relationship with College Humor's Jakob Lodwick, including a mention of his bipolar condition, Allison complains she's scared off her last three suitors. And it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. CLIP »

Gawker Alum Report

Sheila · 02/13/08 03:24PM

Our much-vaunted, delightfully lecherous Gawker photog Nikola Tamindzic has launched a new photosite, Home of the Vain. It's no longer just nightlife photography! By way of introduction, he's showcasing never-before-seen half-naked photos of Josh and Emily, back when things were brighter. Josh frankly glistens, and Emily? Well, she always looks like a million bucks. (Meanwhile, Alex Balk lets us know that the best thing about his new job is the "respect I get from my co-workers.")

Gawker Alum Report

Pareene · 02/11/08 04:39PM

Former Gawker editor Joshua David Stein's Page Six Magazine story on the unhappy end of his not-quite-secret romantic relationship with former Gawker editor Emily Gould leaves neither of them looking particularly mature. It is, poetically, not available online. The best recap may be this one, from Karen, an "avid quilter" and "middle aged blogger." Former Gawker editor Alex Balk gives Barack Obama "the coveted Balk endorsement," because he hates baby boomers, dynasties, and women (j/k!). He also pens the ultimate Radar post. Former Gawker managing editor Choire Sicha interviewed Paulda Abdul, commented on the Stein/Gould affair via IM transcript, and started a band. Jessica Coen: still Tumblring. Update: The full story, with commentary, may be found here.

Today In Gawker Alums

Pareene · 01/22/08 12:37PM

Doree is bored by The Wire's Baltimore Sun storyline. Choire is at a seafood restaurant in South Carolina. Emily is posting photos of her dog (and criticizing books about sad literary men). Balk is really sorry he hasn't updated in a while but it's been totally crazy at work!

Today In Gawker Alums

Pareene · 01/17/08 01:52PM

On his Tumblr today, Alex Balk muses on Nick Denton's morality, suggests that his vision of hell involves doing his current job with Radar, and makes one (1) tit joke. Guest-blogging at kottke.org, Choire Sicha continues mining Times metro sections of days past for ironies and gimlet-eyed commentary on the sorry state of 2008 New York. Doree Shafrir has a photo of Emily Gould's dog. Emily Gould has re-launched her blog. Jesse Oxfeld IMd us earlier to remind us that he has "a very small and entirely static presence" on the Internet. Jessica Coen's website has itself been fairly static since the start of the year. [Previously]

Alumni Report

Nick Denton · 01/14/08 09:53AM

Missing the taste of classic Gawker? The inimitable Choire Sicha is blogging this week at kottke.org, the personal site of Jason Kottke, a fellow blogging old-timer. Emily Gould has introduced the exclamation — Yay! — to Jewcy, the online magazine for "New Jews". Former advice columnist Tionna Smalls tells readers of SLC Outsider, based in Salt Lake City, that life is what you make of it. Alex Balk and Jessica Coen are now, tragically, in management. And Elizabeth Spiers is otherwise engaged giving quotes to the New York Times.

My Top 8 Greatest Achievements At Gawker

Emily Gould · 12/31/07 01:10PM

Readers love lists, according to the Gawker Media Editorial Guide. So, on the occasion of my last day here, you're bound to love this list of the best things I ever did at this website! Yoga teaches us that within our greatest failings, our greatest strengths can be found. Breathe deeply and enjoy.

Emily Gould · 12/17/07 04:45PM

Hey, so! Emily here. Just so you know, I'm going on vacation tomorrow through the day after Christmas, something I'd been planning to do before I decided to give the longest notice ever. I'll be back for a few magical days at the end of the month. Ideas about stunts I should pull then would be appreciated—send them! I really have no idea what to do. I don't have an enemies list or a link to Josh's secret blog or, really, that many cat pictures I haven't already posted.

Dear Devorah Rose, Dear Tricia Romano, Dear Internet

Emily Gould · 09/21/07 05:31PM

Each year (or really, every 11 months and two weeks or so, kinda), the Jews observe Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, during which leather shoes and doing it are totally forbidden. Then there are many apologies. Let it begin with us! While Emily is biologically only half a Jew, the theme of her Bat Mitzvah was "New York, New York," and her Mom did convert eventually.

Alexandra, Spiritual/Psychic Counselor of Staten Island

Emily Gould · 08/17/07 01:00PM

This city is full of psychics, both high-end and low-end. But can any of them actually foretell what's tk? We'll only know when we all go back and reread this occasional feature in twenty years. Do you have a psychic you'd recommend we see? Let us know.

Surprise Layoffs: We Are All Petty Bilious Girls

emily · 04/26/07 03:07PM

I gave up drinking coffee again yesterday. Obviously this is the worst decision that anyone in my position could ever possibly make, but whatever. I had to stop drinking it because it was fucking with my tummy. Know what else fucks with my tummy? Being pilloried by random internet strangers about my appearance in our blog comments. "Oh, the irony," you'll say. And you'll be wrong! This is our playground. Get your own damn blogs, men. It's easy.

In Which The Discourse Of The Gould-Kimmel Fracas Is Substantially Elevated

balk · 04/25/07 02:00PM

If you're like us, you woke up at two A.M. last evening (well, this morning) with the inexplicable fear that you had suddenly developed rectal cancer, and the only thing that could soothe your worried self back to sleep was the dulcet stuttering of Fox News's Andrew Levy trying to read from a piece of paper. If you're not like us, though, then you may have missed last night's "Red Eye" on Fox. A shame. Toward the end of the show, the willowy presence of our Emily Gould delivered an impassioned response to arch-nemesis Jimmy Kimmel. We pretty much spend our days resisting the urge to do physical damage to Emily, but even we've got to say this is kind of great.

Spiking The Punch At Young Adult Author Prom

Emily Gould · 04/18/07 02:10PM

Last night was Prom Night for Manhattan's Young Adult authors! This prom wasn't like high school prom, though. It was held on the Lower East Side, no one arrived in a limo, and you could openly purchase and drink alcohol. Also, everyone there was pretty much a grown-up. The party was a benefit for Advocates for Youth, a group that works to protect young people's right to sexual education. It also celebrated the publication of 21 Proms, a collection of young adult short stories, sales of which will also benefit the charity. Oddly enough, Deadspin editor Will Leitch and Gawker co-editor Emily Gould both found themselves at this event. What follows is their ill-advised morning-after postmortem. Will anyone sit with them in the cafeteria ever again?