Mold Star Motel: Emily, May I Please Have This Dance?

Each week, thousands of reader comments are rejected by our sharp-eyed hall monitor Intern Kaila. In this installment of Mold Star Motel, Kaila asseses some of the responses to the recent Gould/Kimmel contretemps. How did those who didn't make the cut react to the spirited debate?
Creepily sweet, yet chivalrous:
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
Ah welll...48 hrs (+/-)late & a Whimpering Wimpo sighting short...
Kimmel, Quit wiping your nose on your shirt and, for the Love of WannaBe, buy yourself a personality.
Emily, May I please have this dance? Your voice could soothe an angry warthog. I believe I could Love You and listen to your sweet lil whispered nothings for a lifetime. Sincerely.
Re: Remainders: Jimmy Kimmel Is An Ad Man:
Wow. Jimmy Kimmel made that lady look like a complete idiot. I would love to see her get stalked and insulted. I'm sure her tune would change then!
Upsetting, because one more new Jimmy Kimmel fan:
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
Boy Emily, what a pathetic way to make a living. You are truly the scum of the earth. You need to get a life so you can find something better to do than pry into other people's lives. Jimmy Kimmel really tore you apart and made you look like a fool on CNN. I'm not a huge fan of his but I was on that night.
I came to your website out of morbid curiosity and I found that it was even more despicable than I expected. You truly lead a sad existence.
Bitter, because is Jimmy Kimmel's ad buyer:
Re: Remainders: Jimmy Kimmel Is An Ad Man:
Yeah, you really showed that Jimmy Kimmel, who, you know, does all the media buying for ABC. I heard he spends hours surfing the Internet searching for the sites where he would like his ads to appear.
Dispatched from under a rock:
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
I think that any public celebrity, tries to prepare themselves for their lives being an open book. However when does the media or any other form of 'sightings 'follow any kind of professional courtesies or plain out and out manners and etiquette, and respect for fellow humans? As usual society have fallen victim to desperate measures, and it's 'all about the money' and the 'have to know all the dirt'. I don't feel comfortable looking over the fence of a neighbor when they are in their own backyard, why would I feel comfortable starring at someone eating in a restaurant, let alone a celebrity. It's commonly known as rude.
Came to yell at Emily, discovered commenters are meaner:
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
The fact that people actually use Gawker is more embarrassing than Kimmel or Emily. Go do something with your life, for chrissakes. They're not the douches; you are.
Perhaps tried to encompass Kimmel, Emily, commenters:
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
Saw a pretty girl on the teevee:
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
emily gould looked hot on CNN. shame on jimmy for giving her grief...u go emily
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
Wow the face of Gawker is hot!!!
Wore a tinfoil hat while typing:
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
You guys are all retarded. Tonight he will make fun of Larry King and expose how ridiculous Larry's job is.
Mark my words. The joke will be on you.
Was unable to see irony in wasting time registering and writing eloquent prose on blog that is wasting life:
Re: Gawker's Week In Review: Welcome Back, Jesus:
Wow, you guys are as pathetic as you are stupid. You said it all on Larry King Live. What a waste of a life...
Observantly playful:
Re: Stalk of the Town: Kevin Costner in 'Waterweight':
Ok. Seriously now, you people are just baiting Kimmel.
Re: How The Gawker Stalker Map Works: A Guide For Dummies, Outraged Famous People And Old Folk:
However true or untrue the things you said are, Emily, you really need to learn how to do a live interview. The rolling of the eyes, spontaneous bursts of laughter, and disgusted expressions just came off as juvenile. If you expect to be taken seriously and treated like a mature professional, then I suggest you start acting like one.
Thinks we're on fire:
Re: Remainders: Larry Birkhead Is Our Daddy Too:
pending - 04/10/07 07:07 PM
pending - 04/10/07 07:07 PM
you guys truly are some unoriginal assholes, jimmy kimmel made you look retarded and proved you don't really do anything for a living but leach on to people that nobodies interested in,
you're all pieces of shit and i hope you're building burns down.
the end